Never go shopping with Pirate

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***Here's chapter 30. I don't own Naruto, the show and the person. BTW last weekend when my family and me were going shopping for Halloween decorations, my brother and I were running around on the shopping cart. Funny thing is my brother almost ran over an old lady in the makeup aisle with the shopping cart; that I was riding on. I don't know whether to feel bad or laugh because of the face she made when my brother almost ran into her. Anyway side pic is Akemi, ignore the glasses. Dedication is for csd14ll for.........having a wattpad account so basically for thing anyone could have. Hop you enjoy this chapter. Bob says have a nice day, he's cookie monster for Halloween.***


"That was you!?" Kankuro and Temari looked at me in total disbelief. Gaara only rose an eyebrow at me in a deadpan expression. I had my arms behind my head in a similar way to how Naruto sometimes walk.

"Yeah, although Tsunade was not as happy as I was when she found her entire room a mini aquarium." My head still hurts from her smacking me on the head with her fist. I was hanging around with the Sand Siblings since everyone in Team 7, except Pirate, was on a mission. Later I was going to spar with Team Gai and Team 8. I'd meet Shika somewhere in the middle of there.

"Aquarium?" Gaara asked in monotone with some interest in his voice.

"I got a bunch of fish from a lake then turned her entire stash of sake into water. I dumped the fish in the water then put a jutsu on it so it would stay that way. Unfortunately I don't have a reverse for that jutsu so Tsunade forced me to clean her entire room by hand." I grumbled near the end. I had to use a bucket to make trips back and to Tsunade's office to get rid of the now useless water plus fish. My muscles are sorta sore from the 500 trips I had to make. And what was even worse was Tsunade forced me to use a small bucket, not a big one, a small one, one you'd probably use to mop the floor with, not the kind to get rid of a small lake with. Plus Sai never eve got caught as my accomplish, not that I ratted him out but I thought someone would've saw him with me. So to say the results of my payback was a disaster would be putting it lightly. I still smile every time I remember Tsunade's reaction though.

Kankuro laughed at my failure.

I kicked him. Nice outcome. Temari was giggling. "You really know how to surprise people." I smiled proudly while putting my hands on my hips.

"Even when I lose I win." I was personally satisfied with my revenge tactic. I hate losing an argument.

Temari nodded her head deciding to humor me. "Let's go shopping before we leave soon." The treaty was almost done with. They only needed to go back to Suna to make everything official.

I shook my head. "I don't know. Last time we went shopping Sakura and Ino stuffed me in this really weird frilly dress." I ended running out in it and running up a tree. I fell asleep on the tree and Shika found me and ended up having to carry me back to his place for the night. 

Temari smirked teasingly. "I don't know I think the result of that made you pretty happy." I still didn't say yes but I didn't deny it. I remember waking up with Shika's arms around me. It was warm and nice at least until Shika's dad came into the room and saw us. He started laughing for some reason then leaving the room without another word. I spent the rest of my morning with the Sand Siblings. Kankuro kept getting hit by me and flirted a lot like usual. Temari and I laughed and talked. And Gaara let me play around with his sand. Since he let me the sand did what I asked politely. It was weird but also really interesting. The sand had a nice texture. We had lunch then said our see ya's.

I was going to jog to the training grounds soon. Hinata and Neji were training together as cousins so their teams decided to practice together. I'm practicing with them while also so I'm going to drag a reluctant Pirate with me. Hey if I have to deal Yoga man so does Pirate. Just because most of the teams gone doesn't mean he's off work because I'm training. I'll get rusty with my sword skills if I don't. So that's why I'm currently breaking into Pirate's house. He thinks if I can't find him he won't have to go. But I'm persistent. so. I kept banging on the door, "Pirate! Hey Pirate! don't pretend to not be home! I can feel your presence behind the door!" I can picture him sitting on his couch reading his gross book.

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