Adults are such idiots but kids aren't that far behind

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***Here's chapter 22. I DON'T OWN NARUTO. I'm hoping you like this chapter as well and dedication goes to Cyber_Queen. Okay for some reason my neighbor has this little white dog who's name I can't remember, I kept thinking it's name was Maurice until my little sister told me 2 days ago it was Tye. I feel stupid now. Also sorry for a lot of summaries to the battles, I'm too lazy to research the info about it plus school has me tired out. Too much hw not enough sleep!(think space bags' commercial slogan). Not much left to say so side pic is Akemi. And I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you don't enjoy this chapter I'll be forced to send Mitch, my evil elf after you since I still can't seem to find Bob anywhere.***

~Akemi and Akatsuki random fact: Hidan and Akemi have cursing contest when not battling each other. They both always tie pissing off Hidan for a good three days straight.~


We've been searching casinos, bars, and any other place adults go to get buzzed, sex, or broke. I'm starting to question about this new Hokage candidate. After beating the crap out of Pervy the last town over I told him about Naruto's possible murderers. He said to wait until they come then we'll deal with them later but to not tell Naruto at all. Pervy's been teaching Naruto how to do toad summonings. He's also been teaching Naruto this really neat trick called the Rasengan. I didn't really participate since he was Narutos sensei, not mine. I've been talking with Shika by transporting back between Konoha and Naruto. I only talk to him for an hour or so since he has work to do and I can't leave Naruto with Pervy to long because all they do is argue with each other. We've made it to the next town over from where I scared Pervy for life.

Right now it's the late afternoon and me and Naruto are waiting outside another gambling place. I'm playing with the lace on the sleeves of my white, long sleeved, dress. I pulled my hood over my head, although it's sunny it's starting to get cold cause winter is coming. 3 drunk perverts have tried to come on me today, I don't really mind since in my years of travelling drunks always came onto me. Naruto on the other hand is standing in front of me growling at all the pedophiles looking at me. I tugged on a lock of Naruto's hair catching his attention. "Naruto, don't worry. I've dealt with tons of people like this and came out unscathed." Naruto gave me an exasperated sigh.

"Akemi, you're a girl! You got to be more careful about this sorta stuff." I told him I was fine but after the 5th pervert checked me out he grabbed my hand angrily stomping back to the hotel we were staying at. Him and Pervy said I couldn't sleep in a tree so I'm stuck curled up on two hotel chairs put together in a make shift bed bored out of my mind with Naruto on the bed next to me complaining about Pervy wasting all his time drinking and being just plain perv, which I couldn't argue with. I was half asleep when I felt two familiar presences coming. A knock came from behind our door, that stupid Perv probably forgot his key again. Still sleepy I thought they were Pervy and a friend, I walked over to the doors opening it while rubbing my sleepy eyes awake to get poked on the forehead. A familiar laugh echoed in the hallways.

"You still take cat naps like always Akemi." I finally looked up to see Fish Sticks and Weasel standing outside the door looking at me amused. It took half a second for my slow brain to process why they were here, soon my eyes widened. ~Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! I don't know their fighting styles! This is going to be complete Hell~

"Sorry wrong room, I'm Herbert not Akemi." I said in an obviously fake deep guy's voice. I quickly slammed the door right in Fish Sticks face locking everything. I know what your thinking. Herbert? It was all I could think of on the spur of the moment plus even Hidan isn't stupid enough to fall for that trick and I know how stupid Hidan is! Because I one time tricked him into thinking his precious Jashin-sama actually fell into a well once. I kind of feel bad about it now since Hidan flipped out not knowing which well he was in so he terrorized three villages, destroying their wells until Money Grub made me tell Hidan I lied which resulted in two other villages getting destroyed because Hidan chased me threw them threatening to chop me into pieces.

~Naruto Fanfic~ What is wrong with these freaks from Hell *cough* I mean KonohaWhere stories live. Discover now