There's no place like home *note sarcasm*

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***Okay, here's the beginning of the story to kick the story into place. italicized are thoughts in people's heads, mainly the main characters but sometimes other's thoughts depending on the POV. BTW the pic on the side is Akemi at age 7. Isn't she so adorable? This is my 1st time writing a story so best of luck to me. (>.<) Hope you like it.****

I should have known this was coming. The way people treated me were signs. The taunting, the threats, all the scowls that were always directed at me. They hated me and I knew it but I never thought it would ever come to this. I was being thrown away like garbage. My family, my sister, wanted me gone and probably dead. I cried on that day begging my mother, my only ally in that village, to convince father to let me stay but she couldn't and my only home I've ever known was gone. I was only 7, I was reading a scroll, studying to become a priestess when father came in and smiled at me. A sense of dread started creeping into my stomach. Father never smiles at me. His smile was cruel and looked sinister and evil in my eyes, they made me shiver. "F-father, do you need anything from me?" I stuttered looking at the man who should have loved me. He had a servant come in with a bag and drop it by me.

All he did was smile wider and say, "You're leaving."

I got up the courage to ask, "Are we traveling somewhere, Father?" At that, he laughed. The feeling in my stomach was growing heavier. I knew whatever he was going to tell me wasn't going to be anything I wanted to hear.

"No, daughter," his tone was sharp and cold as if my very name was acid on his tongue, "you are leaving. Take the bag and go. I have decided for the good of the village that you are to leave immediately and never return." I had gone numb by that point.

I didn't know what to do all I could figure to say was, "W-why? I don't understand. Faher, what have I done?" He slapped me then and his previous calm, business-like manner was gone and replaced with rapidly growing rage. He was seething. 

"You're a disgrace to this family and village, no one wants you here! As if your disgusting hair isn't bad enough, you have those filthy eyes! Everyone thinks you'ra a freak!! I hate that you were born into this family. You pathetic excuse of a daughter, ha ha. Do you know how glad I was when Tsubaki suggested to exile you." I felt that he had physically slapped me again.

"S-s-sister, sister told you to exile me?" I was shocked and felt betrayed. I knew sister and I had never been close but I thought she at least held some form of sympathy towards me. Every word out of his mouth felt like I was being pummeled by bricks. The feeling in my stomach felt so heavy I didn't know if I would ever move again.

"Of course she did you stupid child. At least she turned out right unlike you. I want you gone by tomorrow! Now LEAVE!!!! " He roared. I grabbed the bag and ran away from him as fast as I could. I ran to the only place I knew I could be protected.I ran straight to the room all the way at the top of the house and pushed the door open.

"Mother! Mother! Help, I don't know what to do. Father is sending me away!" I half cried. My mother was on the bed, slumped, lying there in a look of defeat. She looked like she had just cried. I was too frantic to notice. I tugged on her sleeves to catch her attention. "Mother, help me. I don't want to be away from you. Please, talk to Father. Please, tell him to let me stay. Please!" Still no response, "Mother!" I cried.

She finally responded, "I can't stop him." She whispered. "I couldn't convince him to let you stay." She started tearing up then. "He made his decision and he won't change it," she was crying now, "Oh, Akemi, I can't protect you this time." she sobbed. I was crying then also. We were both crying holding onto each other for probably the last time. We stayed like that for what seemed like forever but not long enough. She whispered in a hoarse voice, "I love you." And I said I love you too to her. We slept together in my room that night to avoid being caught by Father. She held me tight to her chest telling me she loved me until I finally fell to sleep.

Morning came too soon, I heard the birds chirping, the sun was shining brightly. The weather was sunny and nice the exact opposite of what I felt in that moment I woke up. Mother was already up with my belongings in a bag. She stood to her full height and took my hand. We walked together, her carrying my bag, to the gate. People stared at us but said nothing because Mather was there. She let go of my hand and gave me the bag. She kissed my forehead and looked me straight in the eye, "Now listen here, no matter what anyone says you're beautiful. That's why I gave you your name." She laughed shakily with tears in her eyes. "I love your eyes and I love your hair. I love you. That will never change." I nodded. "Promise me one thing, ok?" She waited until I nodded again. "Promise me you'll survive and have a happy life. That you'll do your best to live because I know as long as your alive and happy I'll be happy too."

"I promise, mommy. I love you." I hugged her tighter hoping time would stop forever.

"Me too." She let go of me and stepped back. I picked up my bag and started walking away. She stood there watching me leave until she couldn't see me anymore. I kept walking and walking until I collapsed. I didn't even know which direction I was in but on the side of the path I was walking on, while staring up at the stares I promised myself to always remember to keep my promise.

I love you, Mother. I will survive. I will live.

~p.s. I DON'T own anything related to Naruto. Just the characters I made up for the story that weren't originally in the manga/show. This story is just a fan fiction for my and hopefully your entertainment, nothing else. I literally don't own any Naruto things. I don't even have one Naruto manga to my name so Dear Wattpad, please don't sue me, yell/type at me, or get my story deleted b/c I worked hard on this please and thank you

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