SO 𒊹︎︎︎ Hi Mr. Loki!

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The first time Peter met Loki :">


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Peter was having a great day and was glad it lasted until dismissal time as he walked out of the school grounds and headed to the subway. Happy couldn't pick him up today because he was on a two week leave. He didn't mind really as he put in his earplugs and enjoyed his time alone.

When he got to the compound, he swiped his card and in he go to the private elevator of course not before saying 'hi' to the receptionist named Wendy.

He remembered Tony said he would be in the lab all day so he went up to the penthouse first to grab a snack before heading back down to the workshop.

He hummed to the music he still was listening to as he exited the elevator but he suddenly stopped when he saw a tall pale man with black long hair, wearing a black suit. The guy was casually reading a book on the leathered couch.

Peter pulled off his airpods and blinked at the man present in the room. The man looked up when he felt a presence in the room. Thankfully Peter didn't seem like a threat.

"H-hi?" Peter spoke unsurely and waved his hand at the man who just stared at him. Clearly the god was surprise at the boy. Why would there be a teenage boy in the penthouse?

"Who are you mortal?" The god of mischief responded, he had a raised eyebrow.

"P-peter Parker." The brunette stuttered. "Are you Loki?" He blinked, his eyes filled with adoration for the god.

"Yes I am the god of mischief, Peter." The man replied.

"So..uhm..I'm going to make some sandwiches, do you want one?" Peter put on a sweet smile as he headed towards the kitchen area. Loki just watched him move around. He was still thinking who's kid this must be.

"Peter, Mr. Stark asked me to ask you what is taking you so long to get to his lab." FRIDAY spoke from the speakers, her words following Tony's as instructed.

"Oh tell him, I'm grabbing a snack first." Peter replied as he started making sandwiches.

"Okay Peter." FRIDAY responded, her voice laced with sweetness--though seemed impossible assuming she is a robot.

Loki blinked as he continued watching Peter making sandwiches while humming a familliar tone.

"So mr. Loki, who are you visiting here?" Peter suddenly asked, the boy wanted to start a conversation to make the situation less awkward.

"I am here with Thor." Loki replied casually.

"Oh Thor's here too? Cool!" Peter grinned as he walked out of the kitchen area bringing the tray with sandwiches.

"Here you go mr. Loki grab one." Peter offered kindly at the god who was still kind of surprised.

"Thank you Peter." Loki gave a small smile as he took one sandwich, the sandwich looking quite appetizing knowing he hadn't eaten since him and his brother arrived on Earth.

"Well mr. Loki, I will see you later! I have to get back to the lab before mr. Stark throws a tantrum knowing no one will hand him his wrench or screwdriver." Peter chuckled as he started walking towards the elevator.

"Sure Peter." Loki nodded before speaking again. "You can just call me Loki by the way. No need of formalities." He smiled.

"Okay! Bye!" Peter nodded and waved as the elevators closed. Loki waving at him a little.

"He sure is one happy kid." Loki wondered.

Before he could continue reading, the elevator opened again, showing Thor in his grey hooded jacket and jeans and the rest of the avengers also wearing casual attire.

"Brother! I'm glad you are still here! Look my friends from work are here also!" Thor in his booming voice said and grinned as he headed towards the couches.

"Hello Loki." Steve nodded in acknowledgement and the rest of the team said their 'hi's as well.

"Have you been reading all day since we left?" Sam asked wondering.

"Yes I was but it was interrupted when a young boy came in." Loki said in an unbothered tone.

"Oh? Young boy?" Clint asked as he dove onto the couch beside Bucky and Wanda.

"Yes, do you know Peter Parker?" Loki asked.

"Peter Parker? No I haven't heard of him." Wanda shook her head. The rest of the team looked at each other.

"Must be an intruder?" Steve furrowed his eyebrows.

Loki also furrowed his eyebrows and his lips turned to a frown.

"I think Stark knows him. The boy is very generous though, he offered me a sandwich." Loki spoke.

"Really? I would like to meet Tonyson too!" Thor grinned.

"Huh, I didn't know Tony has a kid?" Clint asked.

"I'm not surprised, I wonder if he had more." Natasha rolled her eyes, receiving laughs from the others.

"Well then let's just wait for Tony to show up so we can ask him about this kid." Bucky said.

The others nodded in agreement.


"Hey mr. Stark--" Peter entered the lab with the tray of sandwiches. "--It's Tony, kid." Tony rolled his eyes as he took one sandwich off the plate.

"I know, I just like messing with ya." Peter laughed as he went over to an empty table, placing the tray there.

"What took you so long to get here?" Tony changed the subject as he typed along his holographic screen.

"Well I was making sandwiches up the penthouse--Oh! And I met Loki!" Peter said in a happy tone.

"You met Loki? Were the others there?" Tony stopped typing and turned to look at the boy who was eating.

"Nope, Loki was the only person there." Peter shook his head. "Why what's wrong with the others?"

"Good. Well you see, I still haven't introduced you properly to them so I don't want them shock seeing a kid up the penthouse wandering around." Tony shook his head.

"Oh--I'm sorry." Peter frowned.

"What for?" Tony furrowed his brows. "You didn't really exactly done anything wrong."

"Well since Loki knows me, I'm sure he told the others." Peter sighed.

"Well then, we will have to introduce you to them later at dinner." Tony smiled.

"Awesome!" Peter grinned. He sure did had a nice day today.


A/n: Henlo! I promise you this book gets better and better! Don't miss out from the laughing train! XD


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