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I hope you enjoy this chapter and welcome back by the way!

Once the finals were over, Koro-Sensei placed a chart of the top fifty spots up on the board for everyone in the E-Class to see. All of them placed among the top fifty! "I got sixth!? No way!" Kai exclaimed as her boyfriend came up behind her and congratulated her on her placement.

"Huh? Mines nothing compared to yours! You got first and beat Asano-san!"

"Yeah, and it was all thanks to this class in a weird way."

"I see... Well no matter what way you did it, you still beat him like you promised. I knew you could do it." Kai spoke as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and thanked her.

"Oi, lovebirds!" Sugino called out to the two as they perked up and turned to see the male in question beside Kanzaki, Kayano, Okuda, Nagisa and Rio. They waved them over and the group congratulated each other on their scoring.

"We were all thinking and we wanted to invite you two to come shopping after school with us. To celebrate our scores and all that jazz." Rio said as she leaned against the window behind her. Kai and Karma looked at one another before shrugging and agreeing with a smile and or smirk on their faces. The class spent the rest of their day happily talking about their scores and what not until the end of the school day came and Koro-Sensei asked the class if any of them wished to leave the mountain yet since everyone in said room now qualified to leave. The class pulled their anti-sensei weapons out including Kai who held up her BB gun with a smile.

"As if I'd leave this class now. I'm too far in, too close to graduation, and besides through this class I've learned a lot of things and met a lot of people I probably would've never met otherwise. I made new amazing friends, made up with some old ones, put my family back together, accepted my powers and found a loyal boyfriend all due to this class. I wouldn't give it up for the world, Koro-sensei." Kai beamed as the class nodded in agreement. Their teacher giggled and held up a tentacle.

"That's what I like to hear! Just remember Kai-chan, yes this class helped you to achieve certain things, but that's all it did was help push you in the right direction. The only person that actually made those things become reality is you. I teach my students to carve their own destiny with their blades, I certainly don't do it for them, they wouldn't learn anything otherwise." The yellow creature explained to her as she took in what he had said before nodding when she understood what he meant. Just then Kai and the rest of her class aimed their weapons at their teacher, firing BBs his way as he dodged them all with precision. Out of nowhere a loud noise came from somewhere else in the building and it shook the place, causing the teacher and his students to stop in their tracks. All of the students rushed to the windows and opens them to find a crane trying to demolish the other half of the building they were in. It turned out to be the principal who was demolishing and evacuating the building, informing the class that they would be moving to a prison-like school somewhere else.

"You cant move us now!-" Kai started, but Karma put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. She looked up at him and saw his usual smirk on his face as he told her with his eyes that fighting wasn't worth it right now since they didn't know what his overall plan was. She sighed and silenced herself as she leaned into his frame, trying to relax a little as Karma kept a gentle yet firm hold on her shoulder, rubbing his thumb back and forth across it to try and calm her down a bit. Principal Asano then told Koro-sensei that he was officially fired from this point on and would be terminated both literally and figuratively because his real intent was to kill the octopus. He told the demolition crew to hold of on their work for a moment while he finished some business inside the place. The class was forced to watch through the windows outside as Asano set up the classroom for his plan, the three teachers in the building watching closely to his plans.

The principal explained that he planned to make him solve four problems in four different booklets before an anti-sensei bomb planted inside each book went off on him. Asano would do one booklet afterwards with a real human grenade and whoever wins gets to stay. It seemed unfair to Kai based on the percentages laid out before them and it annoyed her to see how underhanded the Asano family was with their challenges. Koro-sensei then opened the first book and failed, parts of his body melting off as they spoke. Asano then asked Koro-sensei to move on before he fully regenerated, spitting nonsense about his educational vision all the while.

I hope you all enjoyed this short chapter and I'll cya in the next one!

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