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Hope you enjoy, let's get into this!

The class slowly started to take Nagisa's side and agree that saving Koro-Sensei was a worthy option, but Kai was still in the dead center of the argument. She didn't know what side to choose yet and even still Karma hadn't said a word yet. Of course her decision wouldn't be based on Karma's alone, or anyone else's for that matter, she was just curious for his opinion since she was very indecisive at the moment. 'I mean, we have been trained to kill him, so why let hose skills go to waste? On the other hand he is the best teacher I've ever had and I think it'd be awesome to prove what powers can do for someone when they aren't going to harm anyone, that was my mission this whole time! Besides if all goes well, maybe other kids can learn the same amazing lessons I have through him! Though if we can't do it in time we may just all go kaboom while trying to figure it all out, we don't really have much time to work with anymore...' Kai thought and shook her head vigorously as Rio cut in and said that she was against this decision, soon after some of the class joined her side, including Karma.

Kai stood on the sidelines in between both sides. She still hadn't said a thing towards what her decision was. The girl watched in shock as her boyfriend started yelling at her best friend and the two started fighting right then and there. The class then stepped in and statutes holding the two back. Kai was stuck frozen in shock, not knowing which side to help because she was torn between both the two outcomes and where her loyalty lies. Just before things could get too hairy their teacher in questions stepped in. He then told the class to choose a side, a color of paintball and then a weapon, red for kill and blue for the save side. He also added that they needed a reason for why they chose that side before ultimately picking it and then sucking it out on the mountain. Whatever side won is whatever side the class overall would plan to go with, no matter what, no grudges held, and Koro-sensei wouldn't care regardless of the end result.

Kai watched one by one as her friends went up and chose their sides. The leaders of each side being Nagisa and Karma, the two closest guys to Kai's heart. Once everyone had picked their sides that was when Koro-sensei finally decided to call Kai out. "Kai-chan?"

"Yes sir?"

"You seem to be the only one yet to make a decision. Why is that?" He asked and the whole class gasped, surprised they didn't notice that she was the only one without weaponry of some type. The all stared at her empty hands as she clenched them into fists.

"I- Well I- I don't know sir. I just don't know."

"Oh? You don't know?"

"No sir. I don't have a clue. On one side I save you, the person who's taught me everything up until this point, helped me when it came to any problems I had in life or educationally. That is also where my best friend now stands." She started as she glanced up to look Nagisa in the eyes, taking a deep breath before proceeding.

"And then there's the other side. The side that means to kill you like we originally agreed to do. We were trained up until this very moment with one common goal in mind, to kill you. What was the point in training all this time if we didn't end it like we promised the Ministry of Defense we would by March? Besides, that's where my boyfriend stands." She finished as she looked into Karma's eyes. That was when she sighed and looked up at her teacher and made her way towards him and the boxes of guns, everyone watching in silence as they awaited her decision.

"All things considered sir... I'm torn. Torn between the most important decisions of my life. I don't know whether killing or saving you is the right thing to do, and I don't wish to choose between the two, nor do I wish to choose between the two most important guys in my life right now. I would never choose one over the other even if my life depended on it because they're both important to me and they've both helped me grow as a person in their own ways. In reality, I can't choose and I can't say whether those two or the rest of my classmates will be mad at me for this, but I choose... To be neutral." She spoke as she stepped in between the two boxes. Ritsu called out from someone's phone behind her that she agreed and wished to stay neutral with her. Kai turned around and smiled at Ritsu, thanking her for siding with her. She then looked around at her classmates, more specifically a certain red haired and a blue haired male. The two seemed disappointed and Kai rubbed the back of her neck nervously as the three looked at the ground. They all knew in their hearts that this would be her decision, they had it coming and yet it still hurt to know that one of those two weren't valued higher than the other to a certain degree.

Koro-sensei gave Kai a pat on the back for making the mature decision for herself and others, understanding how hard it must've been for her to even think of picking one side or the other. Kai then walked up to the two individually to apologize to them both, Nagisa reassured her that it was fine, Karma told her not to worry about it, though you could hear the clear hint of sadness and anger mixed in with their tones as Koro-sensei took Kai and Ritsu off towards the area they would use to spectate. As she walked off Kai looked behind her at her friends feeling a little guilty for a moment before shaking it off because she knew in her heart that she had made the right decision. 'It's best not to interfere with their battle here, I would only get in the way because I would refuse to do either of them in for my win, and eventually I'd be snuffed out because of it. Plus my powers would give me an unfair advantage...' She thought as they got to the spectator area and watched as the game began with Karasuma as the referee.

Kai pulled out her phone and talked with Ritsu takes about the game, manga, and all sorts of other things while they waited for things to beat up below them in the forest. Irina and Koro-sensei talked behind them about different moves the students below were making. Kai watched as students started making their way back to the spectator area and sat nearby Kai who sat on the rim of the wooden platform, swinging her legs over the edge. It seemed nobody was in a hurry to talk to her since they saw the contemplative look on her face. They knew that this battle would be nerve racking for her due to the people involved and who would eventually have to face each other later down the line. She was worried for their sakes and didn't want their friendship to end over something like this considering it would be rather difficult to hang out with the two when they are constantly at each other's throats when they are near one another.

Eventually Kayano made it up to Kai's side, she was actually the first to actually speak with Kai other than Ritsu. "How're you holding up?" She asked and Kai came to her senses, looking at her slowly.

"Me? I'm fine."

"It hardly seems that way."

"Yeah, I know, but believe me. I'm fine. I have faith in both of their abilities and I trust that they'll both walk out of this without any hard feelings." She said with a soft smile as Kayano looked surprised before returning it. Kayano didn't know if she believed or even agreed with Kai, but if it made her feel better then it was worth a little white lie in her opinion. She didn't wish to put her newest friend down like that.

"If you disagree just say."

"Huh? How did you-"

"Now that you aren't hiding your true self and I know that you're an actress and all, I can kind of tell. Besides I've been where you are before..."

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and I'll cya next chapter!

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