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I hope you enjoy this chapter! Now, shall we just jump right in?

The new plan for the class was to sneak some students into a spacecraft in the place of dummies and sent them to the International Space Station in hopes of finding information in their lab about how to save Koro-sensei. The class seemed to all be in agreement about embarking on this venture, they just needed volunteers to take the trip. The rocket only holds two people from the information that they were given and that meant two children would have to willingly agree to risk their lives to save Koro-sensei's. Most of the boys volunteered until their lives weren't guaranteed in the trip, Itona said that he wanted to go anyway, but he offered up Karma and Nagisa anyway in his place. "As long as you two promise to come back to me safely, I don't care." Kai spoke up with a wink as the two simply nodded with small smiles playing on their faces.

"That's not good enough you two. You know just a nod isn't gonna sell it for me." She said as she held up her hands, extending both her pinkies out in their direction.

"You've gotta be kidding, Kai-hime. A pinky swear? Really?"

"Yes, really. I want to be sure that you remember you promised me you hear?" She asked and they both sweat dropped and moved to wrap their pinkies around her own and finalize their agreement.

"Better?" The two groaned at the feeling of being treated like children in this instance.

"Much so, thanks." She beamed at them as they both gave in and smiled back, at least she was reassured of their safety for now.

"Yeah, yeah, just promise me you won't cry until we've successfully made it back." Karma said in a sarcastic tone and Kai rolled her eyes playfully as she nodded.

Eventually the day came and they had successfully managed to get Nagisa and Karma onto the rocket stealthily as the class carefully watched the countdown from a safe distance. Kai waved at the rocket as it lifted off even though she knew they couldn't see her. 'I hope they'll be okay...' She thought as the rocket disappeared into the sky. She was worried, but she knew no matter what they promised her they'd come home safe and she put faith into that promise. The ocean eyed girl also was fully intending on keeping her promise to Karma because in all homes she was a little scared for her friends, who wouldn't be? That also meant that she felt like she wanted to break down under the pressure of it all, but she refused.

'Man I really do miss those two right about now... Aw man! Not yet... I made a vow damn it all!' She yelled and started scolding herself for being weak, and all in all kept her tears in. The female waited patiently with the class until the time for their return came and the class went quickly outside to the meeting spot, their man made pool, where their friends would land and reunite with their class at last. The class cheered when the shuttle hit the water. Soon enough the shuttle door opened and the two Kai had been waiting for climbed out, the class excluding herself ran up to hem and congratulated them on making it out alive. The two looked around for signs of Kai and the class the rest of the class figured out who they were looking for, smiling and parting to show Kai standing there with tears in her eyes as she smiled her usual bright smile at them. "I... Kept my promise didn't I?" She asked them as the two glanced at each other before nodding and looking at her. The girl was confused for a moment until they wordlessly spread their arms out wide, awaiting something from her as it seemed.

"And we kept ours, right?" They asked as she nodded and ran into their arms, the two boy laughing as they wrapped her in a group hug, Kai crying into their shoulders. 'Thank you... For returning to me.' She thought as she continued to sob until she passed out from tiring herself out. Karma chuckled at her antics and picked her up bridal style, carrying her off towards the satellite building to allow her to rest.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll cya next time then!

Space... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now