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Welcome back guys and yes I did bring back Bnha references for the first half of this chapter! Sorry not sorry!

Kai stayed up the night of the Itona incident and confronted her father about what she heard from Shiro. When he came through the door late at night and found his daughter sitting there waiting for him he knew it couldn't be good. They discussed some things and her father confirmed Shiro's statements, after a while of talking it out, a couple of harsh words, etc. they finally came to a peaceful agreement. That being that neither of them ever meant to harm each other in their past and they are happy to keep going as they are now, calm and happy to have one another. Which brings us to now, a week after Itona joined the class Kai and Karma decided that after school they'd spend some time together. Since Kai got her "secret" job, that she has only told Nagisa about at this point, the couple hasn't had much alone time lately. Karma convinced Kai to let him plan the date this time and reluctantly she agreed. After class the two walked down the mountain together hand in hand. "Karma-kun, where are we going exactly?"

"You'll see~"

"I don't know if I like the sound of that..."

"Hah? Whatever do you mean Kai-hime?"

"Nothing, it's just that your surprises aren't always the most pleasant ones."

"No need to worry, I don't have anything bad up my sleeves, assassin's honor." The redhead said with his free hand up next to his head as he winked at his girlfriend. She laughed lightly.


"Here we are!"

"Huh?" Kai looked up to find that they were in front of a local arcade in town. The raven haired girl smiled to herself, knowing how much Karma enjoyed gaming, finding it cute that he had brought her here. What she didn't notice was that while she was staring at the sign handing above the building her boyfriend was trying to get her attention.

"Hello? Earth to K-chan~" The mercury eyed male said as he waved a hand in front of her face. When he got no response he rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone.

"Well I guess if you won't answer me, I'll just have to send everyone a picture of you snuggling up to your plushie of Monoma-san from Bnha~" He teased her a little as he pulled up the photo he had taken of her holding the plush in her sleep. As he put the phone in front of her face to show her the photograph, Kai finally came back to reality and tried snatching the phone away from him. The male gave her an innocent look as he extended his arm above her head so she couldn't reach the phone to delete the photo.

"Where did you even get that photo!?"

"I have my ways. When you were sick the other day I decided to take advantage of the situation and take a picture to commemorate such a sweet moment~ Who doesn't want a cute memory with their girlfriend?"

"More like a good excuse to blackmail your girlfriend..." The ocean eyed girl sweat dropped as her boyfriend smirked and put his phone away.

"I would never use you like that K-chan! Any who, shall we get some tokens and get started?"

"You seem very eager."

"Yeah, to beat you."

"We'll just see about that T.B.-kun."

After a while of competing against each other on different machines scattered about the arcade, the couple found themselves at the final machine. The score was Kai: 0, and Karma: 20 so far, which Kai wasn't very happy about. "How the hell are you so good at this?"

"You underestimate me Kai-chan. I'm a big fan of video games remember? Of course I tend to come here every now and again for some fun or just to practice some skills." The devilish boy said with a hint of pride in his voice, causing the girl beside him to giggle.

Space... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now