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Welcome back everyone!

The E-Class didn't have a lot of time left to either assassinate their teacher or find a way to save him. Though things were looking up and the entire class was optimistic about saving him nonetheless, they knew now at least that all they needed was a proper mixture with the right materials to bring Koro-sensei's explosion rate down to less than one percent. Lately the class has been thinking about what high school they want to go to next year if the Earth doesn't explode. Karma explained to the group that he and Kai were walking with that he fully intended on staying at Kunugigaoka for the fun of it all. "Where do you plan on going, Kai-chan?" Kayano asked as Nagisa and the others also grew curious.

"Hmm... Hard to say. I mean, there isn't any school that'll specifically give me an edge when it comes to becoming what I wish to be. So I suppose it doesn't really matter where I end up because in the long run I'll still be what I wanna be, and if that's the case, I suppose I'll stay at Kunugigaoka too. Not just because my boyfriend is going either, no. Yes it is a perk, but I did promise Asano-san that I would give him another chance, and it would definitely be more difficult to allow him that chance if I went to another school in the country. Sure we could meet up and talk, but where's the fun in that? It'd be better to see him everyday. Plus it would be a hell of a funny story to tell later in life. Think about it, a rich and entitled junior high student who just so happens to be the principal's son tears apart a couple for his own educational gain. Then the couple sees through his ruse before coming back and making him regret it and are forced to go through high school together afterwards, and in the end become great long time friends! Besides I think Asano-san needs a good rival and friend in his life other than those Big Five idiots, and if that just so happens to be Karma-kun and I, I wouldn't really mind it. What about you Karma-kun?" Kai asked as she looked at her boyfriend who stood beside her. He smirked playfully and nodded in agreement.

"I think it's a good plan. Anyways-" The male started as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and started rubbing his cheek up against her own as the other around them smirked and took a couple pictures.

"It'd be real depressing if I didn't have you by my side throughout high school! Sure long distance is a thing, but I don't think my poor heart could handle all of the stress and rivalries alone, I care about you far too much to let you go now!" The male cried out dramatically as Kai sighed and tried to push him gently off of her.

"Oh c'mon Karma-kun! I was at least trying to be slightly serious here, and you of course go and make a big joke out of it!"

"Yeah~ But you still love and cherish me anyways! I mean, you broke up with me once before and still came back so that must mean you still love me right?" Karma asked as he let her go and she rolled her eyes.

"We'll see about that." Kai said with a serious look on her face as Karma's expression dropped.

"Huh? Kai-hime, c'mon it was only a joke! Please say you're just kidding!" Karma rambled as Kai burst into laughter and he grew agitated.

"K-chan, that wasn't funny! You seriously had me worried there for a minute!"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry! I just like to see you squirm sometimes is all."

"Would you look at that? My little Kai-chan is getting better at teasing! I'm so proud of you!"

"I learned from the best... Though I don't know if that's a good thing."

"Damn right you learned from the best, the very best in fact!" The male exclaimed as he ignored her last statement and their friends sweat dropped at their antics. 'And there goes that ego again, not as big and bad as before, but still evident.' Kai thought as the days went by quickly from tutoring Gengi to the day of the entrance exams where Kai and Karma were both greeted by multiple clones of Koro-Sensei cheering them on in disguise outside the school gates. The two deadpanned at their teacher before just strolling on in to find Asano awaiting them.

"Good luck, to the both of you. Though I know you probably won't need it." He spoke to the two as Kai replied.

"Thanks, good luck to you too. I know you won't need it but still." She said as Karma cut in.

"Yes, good luck indeed. Just remember that I'll be the one taking the top spot."

"We'll see about that, Akabane-san."

"Again with the rivalry huh? It never ends does it?" Kai asked as the two smirked at one another and Kai playfully rolled her eyes. The three then walked into their respective testing rooms for the day and got to it.

When the class officially was back in session it just so happened to be Valentine's Day and the class was prepping to give each other chocolate. Kayano seemed to be readying herself to give some to Nagisa and Karma as well as Rio didn't waste time taking advantage of her. Kai on the other hand spent her class period asking anyone she could for help on how to make the perfect chocolates for Karma. As everyone could already guess Kai is a terrible chef and isn't exactly a whiz in the kitchen, she can only make basic stuff that comes with simple instructions on the box basically. So when the thought of making her own chocolates came to mind she knew she'd have trouble. She could get them store bought, but she thought that it was more insincere that way, and so Koro-sensei made it his duty to help her make the best chocolates possible for her boyfriend without helping her too much because of course as her teacher he wanted her to learn something from the experience as well.

At the end of the day after Kayano gave Nagisa her chocolates Kai gave hers to Karma, her face was a little flushed after a mix of a hard days work and that of her embarrassment when giving them to him. They had been dating for a while, but she had never done something like this for any guy before because they'd never caught her interest. It made her understand how special he was to her when she finally forked it over to him. "Here. I know this isn't a lot or anything special, but I wanted to give you something... For putting up with me and staying with me despite everything. Every odd and every little screw up. You deserve at least these homemade chocolates as a thank you, from me to you." She explained to him as he pet her head with one hand before using that same hand to take the chocolates from her.

"You know me, I don't care how big or small it is. It's still special to me because it's coming from you. I realized a long time ago that you are one of a kind and not just because of your powers. You're more than that to me, more than anything, so the only option I had was to make you mine from day one. When I did and lost you it hurt like hell on Earth and now I'm determined to not let anything ruin us again. I don't deserve this nor do I deserve someone like you and yet I have you all to myself once again. I'm lucky, and so with that I'd like to offer you up some of my own chocolates. I also made these myself, my parents gave me certain tips on this sort of thing since I'm not the best at it I'll admit." He said as he held out his other hand that had been behind his back up until now. The mercury eyed male smiled at her as she gratefully took them and thanked him. All in all this was Kai and Karma's first Valentine's Day together and in a relationship in general, and they both could agree that this was definitely their best one yet. Kai didn't bother to mention to Karma that all day she had gotten chocolates from multiple guys especially ones from the main campus because she was rather popular before coming to E-Class. She mostly didn't say anything to him because of his jealousy, that and the fact that nonetheless she wouldn't eat them, she only want his after all.

Hope you enjoyed and I'll cya next chapter~

Space... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon