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After the breakup, neither Kai nor Karma would speak to each other, nor would they study with one another because they didn't seem to care anymore. Kai also refused to speak with Rio as Karma refused to speak with Nagisa after the incident. So when Nagisa invited Kai to come jumping across the rooftops from school as a fun new route to the train station and she agreed, it was no surprise that Karma did not make an appearance. When Kai got there and greeted Nagisa as per usual she also saw Rio standing nearby and became quiet. Nagisa realized who she was staring at and sighed to himself before reassuring her that there shouldn't be any issues. The blue haired boy knew about the breakup and what happened because Kai trusted him enough to tell him all of the details, so he was a little irritated by them as well and didn't understand who invited her along and why.

Apparently Karma had informed Rio on the situation too because when she caught their gaze, she instinctively gave a glare and turned away from the two. Kai just rolled her eyes and walked off to the other side of the roof beside Nagisa. "Don't worry about them, Kai-chan. Just focus on getting good grades and assassinating Koro-sensei. That's all that really matter right now." Nagisa explained to Kai who simply nodded.

"Yeah... I know you're right. It's just that it's easier said than done, I mean, he was everything to me Nagi-kun. I know that may sound silly to say, but he got me through the roughest points in my life, he stuck by me no matter what... Whenever I needed him he was there. The same goes for her... So it's hard to believe that they both could just betray my trust like that." Kai spoke in a broken tone before shaking her head and smiling it off.

"Moping around won't get me anywhere though so I might as well try to cheer myself up, right?" She asked and Nagisa nodded with a sympathetic smile of his own.

"Right. I'll race you to school then?" He suggested and Kai nodded.

"Hell yeah!" She exclaimed as they both started running and jumping along with their classmates towards the train station. All of their recent training is actually pretty useful in the real world. Nagisa and Kai were in about the second or third line of students jumping across the buildings which also meant they were some of the first people to notice Okajima and Kimura jumping off of the rooftop and down to the ground towards where an old man was riding his bike. Before they all knew the three collided and the old man was on the ground beside his bike, groveling in pain while the rest of the students jumped down to take a look at the damage caused by their classmates. As they looked at the man, a man who seemed to be carrying a bouquet of flowers came around the corner to see if everything was okay, and upon assessing the situation found that he should call someone for help.

In the end the students wound up in front of a hospital that the man known as Matsukata had been admitted into. Karasuma soon appeared on the even as well and gave his students a lecture about the dangers of what they had done. Apparently Matsukata's leg was broken in the accident and now Karasuma's subordinate is having to bribe the man to gain his silence because Kai and her friends were all government secrets. 'Thank goodness I didn't use my powers or else we could've been in much deeper trouble...' Kai thought as a gust of wind came from behind her. She turned around with her classmates to find her teacher standing there with his yellow face now all black, indicating that he was enraged by this turn of events.

Most of the other kids tried making up excuses as to why this wasn't their fault and that they were only doing this as an exercise to hone in on their new skills. Koro-Sensei, however, wasn't listening and slapped every child's cheek in order to silence them. Karasuma let this violence slide and took full responsibility for the students actions before leaving to talk with Matsukata. Koro-Sensei then gave his own lecture, prohibiting any studying until mid-terms before following after Karasuma to apologize to Matsukata as well. 'Well at least I had already stopped studying beforehand...'

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