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Hope you enjoy and welcome back! By the way, in this chapter italics represent flashbacks. Also quick PSA I know nothing about science so don't @ me on my bullshit.

"It's a long story, but if you must know... your idiot father is the reason you have those powers of yours, and he knew about them before anyone else did."

"He-He what?..."

While Itona dive headfirst into battle, Shiro began explaining to Kai that her powers were but a mere accident in the making, quite literally. "Your father is a scientist correct? Well did he ever mention to you that he had to move to a different lab at any point?"

She thought about it for a moment before remembering that her dad did mention moving to another lab once or twice. "Yes, he did. I still don't see what exactly your point is here Shiro."

"To put it simply your father and I worked together in the first lab he worked under. Let's just say... I was his boss at the time." Shiro said and Kai softly gasped, awaiting what he'd say next.

"Your father was a sneaky bastard to be frank with you."

"What the hell are you getting at?"

"He started a couple of side projects and didn't tell me about them. Kenda-san kept a low profile on them so to speak."

"Okay, and?"

"One of those projects had something to do with water manipulation and creation. It expanded from there going from water to ice and then to snow." Kai was shocked by this statement because when her father was first told about her powers he acted as if he knew nothing about them. It turns out he knew more than anyone.

"How do you know about this then? You said that Dad hid these projects from you, so how did you find out all about them?" Shiro smirked under his robes when he heard Kai say that.

"That's where things get interesting..."

In the Kenda household it was dead silent other than Kai's childhood mobile playing softly from her room and keeping her asleep. The man of the Kenda home sat at his work desk with a contemplative look on his face as he took more and more notes on his latest creation. He had just perfected his elemental power components, he just needed to test it, but the molecules of the serum were unstable and would become enraged then almost go off the rails. The male sighed as he gazed at the tubes of deep blue serum. He placed the tubes next to a photo of his wedding that he kept on his desk of himself and his wife. Kori took endless notes on the color and movement going on in the tubes, ignoring all outside noise and almost not noticing his daughters cries from the other room.

"Honey?" He heard his wife calling him from their bed.

"Yes sweetheart?" Kori asked.

"Can you feed Kai-chan for me? I already have some milk in the fridge for you, you just have to move it into the bottle. It's about time she ate and that's probably why she's crying." His wife asked back and he nodded even though her head was stuffed into a pillow and she couldn't see it.

"Sure. Now go to sleep and don't worry your pretty head about anything else. You've taken care of our daughter the whole day and you deserve a bit of relief from all of that stress." He heard his wife giggle from her spot on their shared bed as he stood up with one of the tubes of serum in his hands.

"Thanks for worrying about me, I will." The woman smiled as she closed her eyes and began to relax.

"It's my job to worry for you so don't mention it and get some rest." The male responded as he walked towards the kitchen of his house, still examining his creation, thinking about ways he could calm down the raging molecules so they would be safe enough to use in a human experiment later on. Drowsiness started to finally take over Kori as his eyes started drooping and he started yawning. As he reached the kitchen he sighed and gave up on his serum for the time being, placing it down on the counter next to the fridge. Opening the fridge he found the milk his wife had mentioned and placed it on the counter next to the serum. Kori heard his daughter's wails become louder and he I'm turn started moving faster, quickly rushing to get the bottle of milk to his daughter which he did.

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