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Welcome back and I hope you all enjoy!

Kayano was surprised by Kai's response and yet she understood what she meant as she remembered the first half of this year. She then told her how she really felt and Kai nodded, understanding where she was coming from and leaving it at that. By then the class had gone down quickly and only two people stood left, one from each side, and both were the two Kai didn't want to see fighting in the end. Nagisa and Karma, even though she knew it'd end this way because they were the strongest, she hated that it had to come to this. Her classmates then agreed to run around the edge of the battlefield to get a closer look at the death match about to go down. Kayano asked Kai if she and Ritsu were coming and they both reluctantly agreed before following her and their classmates to the spot that they were going to watch the battle from.

It didn't take long for them to collide and battle it out. Punches and lunges were thrown left and right as the two went at it. Kai almost didn't wanna watch, but couldn't rip her eyes away from the fight. Eventually Karma hit Nagisa down and he was out in the floor awaiting Karma's knife. Kai sighed to herself as she watched Karma pick his knife off of the ground, look Koro-sensei in the eyes and then look into her own. It felt like he was trying to tell her something through that single gaze, but she couldn't tell exactly what as he turned back to Nagisa and went to deal the final blow. Right as he did Nagisa got up and used the clap stunner on him! Kai gasped as she saw Karma hold his ground, biting his tongue so he wouldn't take the fall as Nagisa took out his second knife. He went to slice at Karma, but purposefully dropped his weapon to distract Karma before putting him into a triangle choke hold on the leaf covered ground.

Karma then found his knife, but dropped it before giving up. Something brought him to his senses before he tried to finish things. She watched the two talk for a moment before helping each other up. Kai smiled to herself and walked over to them, putting her phone away finally since the battle was over. When she got to the boys Karma had Nagisa in a playful choke hold and neither of them noticed her until she was right in front of them giggling. "Huh?" The two dropped and looked at her.

"Kai-chan..." Nagisa started.

"K-chan..." Karma mumbled as the two looked at each other and nodded before looking back at her.

"We're sorry." They said in unison.

"What? What do you two have to be sorry for? I should be sorry for leaving you guys to fight things out on your own." She waved them off as they both shook their heads.

"No, we're sorry. We shouldn't have put so much pressure on you to choose in the first place." Nagisa said and Karma nodded.

"Yeah and we shouldn't have acted the way we did afterwards, we made it seem like because you couldn't choose between us that we were upset with you. In reality we're glad you didn't choose. You saved us both from feeling hurt and you helped us realize that this fighting thing isn't worth it." Karma finished and Kai rubbed the back of her head as she nervously chuckled.

"You don't have to make it sound like such a big deal you two! I knew from the beginning that you both would patch things up, and there would be no hard feelings, whether you liked it or not I would've made sure of it. I care deeply for you both and couldn't imagine my life without both of you in it, that's why even if you two were at odds I'd find a way to make you both work it out so we could all end up side by side. Partners in crime, remember?" She said and snickered when they both blushed faintly and looked away from her after the mentioning of their necklaces that none of them happened to have taken off since the day they received them. That's kind of how she knew they would end up friends because they never took off the necklaces proving their three way friendship because they cared and they all knew so. In the end she was just glad that things were over and that they were all good friends in the end.

Kai then got in between the two and wrapped either of her arms around their shoulders, pulling them in close to her as she beamed at them. The two of them rolled their eyes at her antics and smiled nonetheless as the both wrapped an arm around her waist. Karasuma then interrupted and explained the terms of this month and what was to become of their game plan. They all agreed to them and the three friends then looked at each other in silence for a moment before grinning in excitement. Kai then thought to herself...

'This term is definitely looking up for all of us.'

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll cya in the next one~

Space... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now