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We're in the home stretch folks! We're almost done here! I'm getting sad now that I'm gonna have to let this wacky little series go soon, but it would eventually have to come. I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway!

For every attack there was a sonic boom that followed. Koro-sensei was definitely losing the battle that started moments before. All his class could do was sit in watch in shock as their teacher was beaten to a pulp... Until Koro-sensei began to dodge the pairs attacks. Suddenly The Reaper 2.0 was sent to attack the students instead of their teacher. Kai touched the ground with both of her palms and tried to make an ice wall, even though it wouldn't completely prevent such a large blast, it would help cause the amount of damage to decrease. Koro-Sensei also stepped into protect his students and in the end was dirtied and scratched up on the floor, looking tired. Kai looked at her ice was to find that it had been almost shattered to bits from that blast alone. Sure Kai's power was strong, but she was still a junior high kid so her powers wouldn't be in their prime at such a young age, she still had a ways to go.

Slowly her body temperature decreased a little as the creature was sent repeatedly to harm the students. Kai helped her teacher as best as she could using her powers and after a while she started shivering a little every once in a while. Karma noticed and tried stopping her, but she reassured him that it was fine. She would need a heating device soon enough, but for the time being she still could keep going a while longer. Right as the creature was about to attack again, Kayano stepped in and shot at the creature. "Kayano-chan?" Kai asked aloud as she told her teacher to run for it. The girl then understood her plan and knew she couldn't do it alone. Kai made her way sneakily through the crowd so she wouldn't be stopped and stood beside Kayano.

"I have inhuman powers too, even if they aren't stronger than his, they can at least buy some time. Hey Kayano-chan! What do you say we make up for lost time by working together this time around to defeat the enemy?" Kai asked the green haired girl beside her as they both turned their heads to finally look at each other. Kai was smiling and Kayano was shocked. The girl eventually agreed as the two turned to the monster and went into attack mode, Kai pulled out her anti-sensei knife as did Kayano as the creature tried to hit the girls. They both slit open on of The Reaper 2.0's tentacles as Kayano's hair was taken out of it's placement, falling down to frame her face now. Koro-sensei, Nagisa and Karma tried warning the two against their efforts as the two reasoned with them as best as they could before rushing back into battle.

Kai made multiple ice walls as she tried to get near the creature and almost got hit the whole time, after a while patches of icy covered varying parts of her skin. She was going for too long without counteracting her powers. Usually by now she's either be in a heated area or drinking water or something of that sort, she had no time to do that now and because of that she was shivering and getting hypothermia slowly but surely. 'This battle is going on for too long, I won't last long enough if I don't end things right now!' She thought as her bloodlust drove her to continue, without that bloodlust her body would've probably given in by now. Kai then looked in Kayano's direction as they both nodded and went in for the kill. Kai made one last ice staircase up above the creature and ran up it, Kayano jumped up and ran along his tentacles. They both then jumped up high to deal a finishing blow together but- They were stopped mid-air by the creatures tentacles. He had struck them- No not just struck them, through them. Through their bodies and ripping a hole in them. Kai's injury ran so deep to the point that mixed with her new wound and her hypothermia she threw up blood onto the floor below her.

Karma and Nagisa's eyes widened in pure shock as did the rest of the class, but those two were the most shaken by this turn of events. Kai slowly lifted her head as the creature's tentacle held her there, she was still able to slightly move as blood dropped down her chin from her lips. She sat there silently before she gave her friends a closed eyed smile as if to try to tell them that it was okay, to reassure them that she brought this upon herself knowing the risks and what she had gotten into on purpose. Just then the two bodies slid off of the creature's tentacles and fell to the floor, Karma rushing in and catching Kai before she hit the ground. "Kai-chan! Kai-chan? Listen to me! Can you hear me? Kai-chan!" He yelled at her as she laid her head in his lap as he sat there on the ground with a defenseless and broken look on his face.

Space... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now