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Welcome back and I hope you all enjoy! Sorry if this chapter seems rushed or short by the way, I was just lazy...

Karma, Kai, and Nagisa made their way to Matsukata's school peacefully. Kai held Karma to his promise to help Gengi with her math studies, and of course Nagisa was there to help Sakura. Once they got into the building said children greeted them before they all split up to study on their own with Nagisa and Sakura at one table and the others at another. Kai decided to let Karma take over for the day while she oversaw everything. She really wanted her young friend to bond with Karma and not just have a hatred for him because of a past mistake. He wrote out a few warm up problems for the girl and let her try to figure them out on her own for a moment, in that time period he started writing way more advanced problems that would be seen in the grade level that Karma and Kai were in on a separate sheet of paper. "K-kun, what are you doing? You know that stuff is too difficult for someone Gengi-chan's age!" The blue eyed girl exclaimed as Karma smirked and finished writing out the last problem before pushing the paper in Kai's direction.

"I didn't come here only to tutor her, I'm tutoring you too~ Your worst subject is math too remember?" He cooed and she groaned before noticing the look on his face. 'He definitely isn't going to give up on this so I might as well just do as he says for now.' She thought before getting to work on her problems. After a couple of minutes the two girls finished working on their math equations and what not, giving Karma their papers to check them. Once he found a couple of problems in both papers that ended up wrong he went through the process with each of them individually and helped them through the areas that they were having trouble with. Gengi was impressed with his skills and thought he was really cool, though she wasn't exactly admitting to it.

After a while of teasing and problem-solving, the group went upstairs to the indoor playground to play around for a while before it was time for them to officially take their leave. They played hide and seek, Gengi the seeker while the other two were hiders, as well as also red light, green light with Karma being the one with his back turned. Gengi began to finally let loose around Karma and eventually was sitting atop his shoulders and giggling like an idiot. "I see you've taken a likening to him too. See, Gengi-chan? I told you Karma-kun wasn't so bad" Kai said as Gengi pouted for a moment once she realized that she was wrong about the redhead. The girl then sighed and nodded as they walked outside to the front of the school where Nagisa and Sakura were saying their goodbyes. Karma then picked up the girl and set her down as she pulled the two older kids into a group hug.

"Thank you, both of you... For everything you've done for me."

"You're welcome, Gengi-chan."

"It was nothin' kid." Karma smirked as he ruffled up her hair before grabbing Kai's hand and walking off, the two waving behind them at Gengi as Nagisa rushed to catch up to them. They walked in silence for a moment before Kai piped up.

"You're surprisingly really good with kids, T.B.-kun."

"The hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing in particular! I just didn't think that someone of your reputation would enjoy being around kids so much, as well as have kids enjoy being around you too."

"Life is full of surprises, Kai-hime. Besides... I'm only preparing myself for later down the line when we have one of our own~" Karma teased.

"Say what!?" She exclaimed with a bright red face.

"Kidding!" Karma snickered.

"You'd better be!" Kai crosses her arms.

"... Unless~" Karma cooed in her ear suggestively.

"Akabane-kun!" She exclaimed as she held up her free hand, a ball of ice appearing in it.

"Guys? I'm right here you know..." Nagisa tried cutting in as the two turned to him and yelled in unison.

"Now's not the time, Nagisa-kun!"

Hope you all enjoyed this short chapter! I just wanted another chapter not having to do with the main story in this book so I made it about Gengi. Anyways I'll cya next chapter!

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