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Welcome back everyone! I've been rather busy lately so writing up chapters has been taking a backseat in my life. Sorry about my references to Bnha found later in the chapter, I know technically this anime/manga series shouldn't have been out yet, but I fell in love with it recently and thought that the love I have for it should be shared. Also if you see the word twins mentioned along with the show, I may or may not be referencing my OCs for that series that will come one day or another~ Anywho~ Shall we begin the chapter?

Wouldn't it be weird, and yet totally awesome, to go ice skating at the end of summer? That's exactly what Kai thought when she invited Karma out to their satellite campus' pool, and told him to wear the warmest clothing possible. He had a white sweater on with a red coat on top, with a scarf that was a mix between the two colors. The amber eyed male also wore black jeans and red and white sneakers, along with added gloves and a hat, which gained him many odd looks from others on the way there.

Kai had always been immune to the cold especially if she was the one who created it for as long as she could remember. This meant she wasn't going to be wearing extra layers like her liver beside her, which made him feel like he was getting pranked or something. Kai wore a simple blue off the shoulder top with a picture of a male with two different hair colors as well as eye colors with the words 'Icy Hot' above his frame. She also wore black jeans, but instead of sneakers she had thin black boots on. Though she did have a small blue backpack over her shoulders to match her eyes for some reason.

Karma had questioned her about the male on her shirt, to which she only answered that "Todoroki-san is a soft soba loving boy who needs to be protected at all costs! Plus Bnha is so adorable that I can't help but love the characters, especially the twins because they are so sweet!" or something of that sort to which he sighed and shook his head at her overwhelming passion for fictional characters. The thought of her valuing a character more than his made him a bit more nervous than he cared to admit to her so, with a light blush on his cheeks he tugged at his girlfriends sleeve slightly with one hand whilst pulling up his scarf to cover his face with the other. Sheepishly he asked her if that character meant more to her than he did and she couldn't help but giggle at his mannerisms, to which he got a little annoyed and threatened her with wasabi to answer the question.

"Either you tell me or you get wasabi up your nose and no treats later." Kai could only gasp and pout at his statement before happily reassuring him that he was her number one, he smiled pretty widely behind his scarf after hearing that, but he'd never show her that because then she'd know she had more power over him and his emotions than she first thought.

"Anyway, remind me again will you, why did you drag me out by the pool at the end of our summer vacation and put me in clothes fit for the Eskimo? I mean if this keeps up I might just die from a heat stroke." Karma said sarcastically beside his girlfriend, putting a hand to his head and clutching his heart with the other dramatically like he were about to die.

Kai rolled her eyes at him, ignoring his usual sarcastic comments for now as she giggled to herself. "We're going ice skating dummy!" Karma immediately put a hand to her forehead after her declarations of skating on ice today.

"Are you sure you aren't sick or anything? I'm really worried you're losing it now, K-chan..." He pondered as his smaller girlfriend flushed a light pink at how close his face was getting to hers by now. She smacked his hand away with a pout.

"I'm already told you, I'm fine Karma-kun. Now could you please start taking this just a little more seriously?" She asked as he raised up his hands in defeat and allowing her to continue. Once Kai knew she had his full attention she turned to the pool and stepped onto the surface of the water, as soon as her foot touched the liquid it froze over, turning solid. Karma made a small 'o' shape with his mouth as he realized what she was doing. Sometimes he forgets that his girlfriend isn't normal and has the powers that she has. The blue eyed female watched as the pool slowly completely froze over, smiling pridefully to herself once she sees her finished handy work.

Space... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now