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Welcome back and I hope you enjoy this chapter, and remember, the next chapter is the end of the official Assassination Classroom series, but I had one more added in chapter that I'm going to put in after! That's right! We're getting an epilogue ladies and gents! Be prepared! Now let's get into this chapter then, shall we? P.S. I can already feel the tears coming because I'm re-watching the episode to properly write this chapter out and I'm gonna cry all over again!

When Kayano and Kai finally came to their senses after being revived they realized that they basically didn't have shirts anymore due to the holes that The Reaper 2.0 had ripped into them. Karma and Kai quickly backed away from each other after realizing that exact point, Karma quickly taking off his jacket and wrapping it carefully around her body. The girl thanked him as she held it close to her. "Sure I'm used to the cold, but not exactly used to the being overly exposed thing." Kai spoke as Karma rolls his eyes playfully at her, the class turning their heads away until she was fully covered by Karma's jacket, the same going for Kayano with Maehara's jacket.

Just as they turned around to address their teacher he collapsed exhausted but happy. The class watched him lay there silently and sprawled our on the ground until he cut in and asked them what kind of assassins they were if they would just leave their target lying on the ground indefinitely on the brink. The class gasped as they grew serious and realized the severity of the situation, they could avoid it no longer. They had to kill him here and now unless they wanted the Ministry to take their gander at it. The class put it to a vote and it turned out that nobody truly anted to kill him anymore but nonetheless they had to all raise their hands and face the music, regardless of if they wanted to or not because they agreed to kill him by March. They intended on doing it and they didn't want to let that victory go soundly to the military.

The class surrounded their teacher and held him down to the floor like he had said his weakness was previously. The yellow teacher calls them all out on holding him too gently and they all tightens their grip with pained expressions. That was when the question arose, who would undoubtedly end up dealing the finishing blow to the teacher, none of them wanted to or thought they could including Kai, but the decision had to be made. The students looked back and forth between each other searching for the proper student to take charge and do what must be done. Nagisa the offered himself up as the one to do it, and everyone agreed to those terms as Nagisa got into position. Some of the students were crying as he lifted up the tie and eventually put it back down, deciding to stab through the tie instead. Before Nagisa could Koro-sensei made an effort to ask Irina and Karasuma if the wishes to join in on this assassination for the prize money.

Irina explained that she wanted no part in it. She didn't care for the money and apparently neither did Karasuma. Koro-sensei then made a final request, to take roll one final time, calling out each students name one by one as they replied that they were present for the final time as a class loudly and proudly. The class sadly said their 'Here's sadly and some in tears. Once Kai's name was called she gave a sad smile as tears formed in the corners of her eyes that refused to fall just yet. "Here!" She tried to say as cheerfully as possible like she usually would every day during class, though it was harder than it seemed. Once everyone was finally called the class looked to Nagisa to deal the last blow on their teacher. They watched as the smaller male hesitated before growing angered and raising his blade to strike through tears and bloodlust before Koro-sensei reached out a tentacle to calm him and his anguish down.

The teacher asked him to give a smile when he killed him instead of that agonized face. With tears streaming down his face he lifted his head and gave a warm smile as he bid the teacher a final goodbye. He then dove his knife straight into his heart and then just like that with one final smile the teacher faded into multiple bright yellow lights that lifted off into the sky to never return again, the only things being left behind were his robes. Kai watched and followed the lights with her eyes as they hoisted themselves up higher into the sky open and starry. She then looked into her now empty palms and began to let he tears fall as she cried and cried after losing her beloved teacher. She looked to her side and saw Karma in tears too, letting loose all that he had been feeling inside since her 'death' earlier. The girl then patched herself onto him and start sobbing against his chest as they both began to slowly hug each other as they cried together over their loss that night.

The next morning the students woke up with their faces stuffed insides books made by Koro-sensei in the night before they had arrived. The cherry blossoms outside were now in full bloom, spring had officially come and their mission was completed just as they had agreed in the very beginning...

I hope you've enjoyed and I'll cya next chapter~

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