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Welcome back! I hope you enjoy this one because I really enjoyed making it!

Kai didn't expect to be making a huge pudding to assassinate her teacher with in the final days of her summer break, but when in an assassination classroom, you don't really know what to expect. Basically this morning Kayano called Kai and her classmates to their satellite campus to have a little chat about their nation's egg surplus crisis that was currently taking place. "Oh yeah! Dad was telling me about that the other day!" Kai exclaimed as Nagisa turned to her with a soft smile and a far off look in his eyes. It made Kai curious as to what he was thinking.

"What is it Nagi-kun?"

"What is what?"

"You're giving me a weird look. What are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing... I'm just happy for you and your father, you always used to talk about him with such anger and pain in your voice when we were first years, and now you say his name like you've been the best of friends your whole lives. I'm glad you two can actually talk to each other like human beings now." He spoke and it made Kai think back to the stories she had heard about Nagisa's parents and how he told her about their split because of his mother's crazy behavior. It made Kai feel bad knowing that he still has to go home to such a bad family situation. She also knew she couldn't do anything about it either so she just had to nod and smile back so the conversation topic would go elsewhere.

Kayano took this opportunity to tell her class a little bit about her plan to use the surplus eggs to assassinate their teacher. Even Karasuma was on board since he helped her to start up this wild plan of hers. After Karasuma came in and told her that everything was ready, Kayano ordered her classmates outside towards what would be their next assassination attempt. Kai looked towards her boyfriend who still sat there with his head propped up on his hand whilst their friends made their way outside, acting like he would be skipping out on this class activity. The black haired girl knew deep down he was intrigued by Kayano's plan and he just needed a little push in the right direction.

The girl stood and outstretched a hand towards the redhead. "C'mon Karma-kun! This'll be fun, and we'll get to do it together as a team!" Kai excitedly stared with a bright smile. Karma looked between her hand and her expression before chuckling and taking her hand.

"You know I can't say no to you." The mercury eyed male said and pulled himself up from his seat before allowing his girlfriend to lead him off towards the field outside. He smirked and intertwined their fingers as they walked, causing his girlfriend to blush faintly and giggle a little as they rejoined their classmates who stood in front of a large mold. That's when Kayano revealed that they were making a gigantic pudding for their teacher. The green haired girl passed out aprons and headscarves as well as gave everyone their jobs for the time being. When Kayano gave Kai her apron and head scarf she didn't hesitate in putting it on before looking at them. When she finally looked down she found that on her black apron was a picture of a male with long black haired and red eyes.

Kai's eyebrow twitched as she resisted the urge to squeal. "What's with that guy?" Karma asked as he took in the look she was giving the character.

"He's not just some guy! He's a demon, well, half-demon and his name is Naraku!"

"Right... So how did Kayano know you like him so much?"

"She happened to overhear me fan-girling over him on day and I had to explain myself to her. You tell someone you're into Inuyasha once and this is what happens to you..." Kai sighed to herself and glanced at her boyfriend who wasn't exactly happy with the color of head scarf he got, which just so happened to be pink. She took off her purple one and held it out to him.

Space... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now