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Welcome back! I had a headache while writing this so-

During one of Kai's shared shifts with Isogai, the two's friends decided to show up and watch them as they work. Nagisa and a couple of their classmates knew about their secret jobs and thankfully kept them a secret. Though Nagisa thought that Karma had known about their jobs and accidentally told him about it. Karma was a little hurt that his own girlfriend told Nagisa before him so when he heard that Nagisa was going to watch her work with a couple of others, he grew a little annoyed and decided to invite himself along. Nobody really cared until they met up to go to the proper location. Karma seemed very unhappy with a weird aura surrounding him. "Are you sure you're okay, Karma-kun?" Nagisa asked him as they walked towards the shop.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just get this over with." The redhead snapped. Everyone else in the group sweat dropped at his obvious unnecessary jealousy. The group went silent after that as they walked into the workplace of their two classmates. Once they stepped in, a bell above the door rang to signal that someone had come in and already the group noticed the two friends of theirs in their uniforms greeting customers. Isogai was dressed in a normal waiter uniform and Kai wore the exact same thing, but with a skirt on instead of pants. While Isogai sat the guests down at their tables, Kai went up to greet the newcomers.

"Welcome to- Oh, hey guys! How's it going?" Kai cut herself off when she realized just who she was speaking to.

"We're all fine. Sorry for abruptly stopping by Kai-chan, we just wanted to check on you guys." Nagisa piped up.

"It's fine by me... As long as you don't tell on me for having a job, that is." She winked and they all laughed lightly. All except Karma who just cleared his throat which caught Kai's attention.

"Karma-kun? I didn't know you knew about my job."

"I didn't 'til Nagisa-chan told me about it."

"Right. I apologize for not telling you K-kun, Isogai-kun told me to keep it private and there was already a group of people who knew, so I couldn't really afford to tell another person. I hope you understand." She explained herself and Karma only nodded and pet her head as she gave him a small smile.

"Just tell me next time. You know you can trust me with anything." He said and she nodded.

"Duly noted!" The raven haired girl exclaimed as she brought friends to a table and stared doing her job as per usual. Karma was still a little hung up on the fact that Kai didn't trust him with her secrets, but he knew he couldn't dwell on it too much since she was only keeping a promise to a friend. Meanwhile across the room Kai was talking to one of her customers who routinely brought her son into the place for fun. It had become ritual for him to come to see her since her first shift, he enjoyed her company and Kai could convince him to get his mom to buy anything off of the menu really. Though, that isn't exactly why they hit it off... What really interested the kid about Kai was what she showed him when his mom left for the bathroom.

"Kenda-san, Kenda-san!"

"Yes, Haru-kun?"

"Show me another magic trick!"

"Magic trick? Which one?"

"The ice statue please!"

"Of course." After hearing the commotion across the room their friends watched as Kai held a hand out in between her and the younger boy, an ice statue of the boy form in her hands and he clapped at it as this ice disappeared as soon as it came. As the child's mother returned she excused herself and walked over to her friends. They all gave her an odd look.

"What?" Kai raises an eyebrow at them.

"You shouldn't really show off your powers in public like that." Nagisa advised her.

Space... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now