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Welcome back everyone and I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

In class today Kai was forced to think about what she wanted to be in the future. She never really gave it much thought up until now and was kind of at a loss at first. It then suddenly came to her and she realized exactly what would fit her in the long run. After writing out her preferred job options she was called into the teacher's lounge to have a talk with her gelatinous teacher about her choices. "So, Kai-chan my dear, what have you decided you want to be when you're all grown up? Take a seat right there and we'll talk all about it!" Her teacher exclaimed when she stepped into the room, pointing at the seat in front of him. She nodded and sat down before handing him her form that she had filled out previously.

"I've gone down the route that I think best suits me. I mean, I'm in love with water just like my mom and I have powers that control all forms of water, something that most humans don't. I thought if anything it'd be best to pick career paths that exploit that so I can use my powers for the betterment of mankind since I can't rid myself of them... Maybe then I can prove that having extra abilities like mine don't need to be kept a secret, nor do they need to be feared among others."

"I see. Yes, these suit you nicely considering what you wish to achieve in the long run. First a marine biologist which makes sense, and second a lifeguard, but third you have nothing. Why is that?"

"Well I couldn't really think of anything else I wanted to be. Besides I wanted to keep options open for any opportunity that may arise for me later in life, just in case you know?"

"Yes I understand. I like that you're at least thinking ahead, and I know that if you continue down the path you are now you'll end up accomplishing great things!"

"Thank you, Koro-sensei... For everything."

"Of course. Now run along you, I have other children I must interview!" He said and shooed her out playfully as she giggled and left with a wave to go see how everyone else was doing. When she got back to the classroom she found that Nagisa was still having trouble with what he wanted to be down the line. She frowned and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You'll figure it out, Nagi-kun. You don't need to know today what you wish to be. Koro-sensei just wants to get you thinking about it, your future that is. Even if you don't have a proper answer yet, one will come to you in due time." She explained and he nodded, smiling weakly at her and she returned it.

"Thanks, Kai-chan. You're always there for me when I need you."

"Hell Yeah I am! Even after we graduate you better not hesitate to come to me for help!"

"Yeah, yeah, I hear you." Nagisa chuckled at her enthusiasm before walking off to talk to Koro-sensei, taking off a tag from Irina's new sweater that she came in with that day. She was shocked along with Kayano and Karma at the fact that he could so easily take that off of her without her or anyone else nearby noticing. Karma then looked over Kai's shoulder at the paper she held in her hand.

"A marine biologist huh? How'd I know you'd be the one to pick something having to do with water?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Lucky guess?" She said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes playfully before and they both chuckled as the class sweat dropped at their behavior, being that just a couple of days ago they refused to talk.

Later that night Kai got a text message from Nagisa and Kai grew worried for her best friend. Apparently Nagisa's mom was coming to school tomorrow to have a parent-teacher conference with Koro-sensei and would be discussing with said teacher about taking the blue haired boy out of E-Class. Kai of course knew all about Nagisa's mother, she had never gotten to meet the woman unfortunately, but she had heard many stories from Nagisa that he luckily trusted her with and trusted her to keep secret. So she knew that his mom wanted a little girl and was so obsessed with making said girl into the woman she never got to be that she forced that ideal into Nagisa even though he was a male despite her son's true wishes. She also knows that for that very reason it caused his father to walk out on them because he hated the confrontational lifestyle they were living day in and day out, a living hell for him to deal with. Kai felt bad and wished him the best of luck before telling him to at least get some rest before discussing this in class the next day.

When the day arrived the class started talking about their strategy for talking with Ms. Shiota. Eventually Koro-sensei came in saying that he was already prepared for the conference to come whilst wearing a very bad Karasuma cosplay, since said teacher was out of town and he'd have to replace him. While the other students yelled at him for his crappy cosplay, Kai, Karma and Kayano all stood beside Nagisa and watched as he gave a nervous look at his desk. Eventually the woman they all had been waiting for started to walk into the satellite campus. All of the students looked out the window and watched as she walked in, Nagisa and "Karasuma" getting into their positions. "So that's Nagi-kun's mom? On the outside she seems like just a regular woman, but that can't be right based on what I've heard..." The girl muttered under her breath as Karma ruffled her hair a little. She looked up at him curiously.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about Nagisa-kun. You know him well enough to know he can handle himself. It'll work out and he'll be staying in E-Class, we'll all make sure of it, just like we did when your old man tried to take you away from us." The redhead spoke as he pushed some stray hairs behind her ear and she nodded before smiling.

"Yeah, you're right." She said as suddenly she heard loud yelling coming from the other room. It shook the place quite a bit and cause Kai to fall into Karma accidentally. 'Is that Nagi-kun's mom making all that noise!? She really is crazy!' She thought as Kai carefully held her up so that she wouldn't fall over as they heard the door to the Teacher's lounge slam shut and they watched through the window as a now very pissed of Shiota Hiromi walked off campus. The two looked at each other before blushing faintly and moving away, not exactly realizing how close they had gotten because of the mini-earthquake. They both dusted themselves off before getting ready to go home for the day.

Kai had asked her dad earlier if she could have a sleepover at a Karma's house, and surprisingly her father agreed as long as she made sure that she got to school on time the next day and got her homework done that night... He also said that he trusted her and her boyfriend not to try anything and caused Kai to tell him off through text much to her embarrassment. So in her schoolbag she had a bunch of stuff packed for her sleepover that she was having at Karma's house. Karma's parents were the same way with him about having Kai over and they sighed to themselves about how similar their parents were when it came to their relationship, and since his parents were on another business trip they didn't really need to worry much about being interrupted. When they got into Karma's house, Karma went to prepare dinner for them as Kai pulled out their books up in his room so they could work on homework when they were done. When Kai finished up in his room and came into the kitchen she saw him in front of the stove, it seemed like he didn't notice her so she smirked to herself and thought it was the perfect time to strike. She made her way behind him and was about to surprise him with a hug from behind, but was stopped when Karma suddenly turned around and pressed her up against the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Trying to trap me in another sneak attack I see?"

"K-Karma-kun, it's not what it looks like I-" Kai started to make up a story as Karma cut her off by kissing her instead, allowing his tongue to explore her mouth since he caught her when her mouth had still been open. She slowly melted into the kiss as Karma started messing with something behind her, and just as she was about to wrap her arms around his neck to deepen their kiss, he pulled away and turned back around.

"Start cutting up those carrots for me, will you Kai-hime? Thanks gorgeous~" He cooed as Kai blinked and realized that he went back to cooking and turned around slowly to find that he had set up a cutting board and carrots behind her when she wasn't paying attention. 'Damn it, he planned that from the beginning didn't he?'

"You're such a tease, you know that?"

"Yep, but you still love me anyway. Now get to work!"

"Humph, whatever..." Kai mumbled as she did as he said, slightly disappointed as their night continued with them eating together, studying together, turning on a movie on Karma's laptop and falling asleep in each other's arms afterwards. The very next morning they awoke to a text on Kai's phone from Nagisa, happily informing them that he was staying in Class 3-E... and soon after realized that they would be late soon, causing them to hurriedly get up and start to run around the home in order to get to school on time.

Hope you enjoyed this sorta short chapter! I really wanted to add some fluffy moments between Karma and Kai because there has been a lack of them lately and also I didn't want the chapter to be really short because the main focus of the original episode was Nagisa and his mother, so I added in a little sleepover moment. Anyway, again I hope you enjoyed and I'll cya next chapter!

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