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Welcome back! I'm kind of rushing through this chapter because I'm getting a bit excited for the chapters to come down the road so don't mind me! Anyways, shall we begin?

Karma and Kai, in hindsight, should've thought through their snowball fight plan. Why? Because now Karma was stuck sick in bed at home as their summertime left slowly dwindled. It didn't take Kai long to rush over to his place to check up on him after receiving a couple of texts from him, stating that he was feeling a bit under the weather.

K-chan💙🔫: Hey~

K-kun❤️🔪: Hey, what's up?

K-chan💙🔫: Wanna hang out today? I'm bored and home alone so I have nothing better to do anyways.

K-kun❤️🔪: I'm wounded! What could be better than spending some time with me, your loving and adoring boyfriend?😞

K-chan💙🔫: I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that I promise! Nothing is better than spending time with you!😫

K-kun❤️🔪: That's what I thought. Alas, no matter how much my heart yearns to be by your side right now, I can't.☹️

K-chan💙🔫: Why not?

K-kun❤️🔪: Cause I'm sick with a cold... I think it was that snowball fight we had the other day that triggered this...🤒😷

K-chan💙🔫: Send me your address really quick.

K-kun❤️🔪: Why?🤨

K-chan💙🔫: Just do it!

K-kun❤️🔪: And if I deny your request?😋

K-chan💙🔫: It wasn't a request.

K-kun❤️🔪: Scary!🥺 Okay, I'll give it to you. Just don't do anything crazy please? I'm fine anyways and I don't need you barging in to take care of me.

K-chan💙🔫: I make no such promises.😋

K-kun❤️🔪: Kai-chan...

K-chan💙🔫: Sorry, I've gotta go! See you soon~

K-kun❤️🔪: Kai-chan! Wait a sec!

And just like that Karma gave up having sent his address and Kai was on her way over to her boyfriends house, determined to help him whether he wanted it or not. After making a stop or two I'm the way, she made it to the address given to her and gently knocked upon the door to which she heard a small "Coming!" yell from somewhere in the house in return. 'That must be him, though it's odd that I haven't been over to his house before. I mean Karma has been to my place to study before and even got invited over by my dad on some occasions cause he really seems to like him, but I never met his parents or anything like that. I wonder what they're like...'

Her thoughts were abruptly cut short when the door opened to reveal her boyfriend in a disheveled state, a red blanket draped over his frame, his hair all messy, his skin all pale, his cheeks red, his eyes tired and to top it all off he was still in his pajamas (most likely because he didn't have the energy to change clothes). "I thought I told you not to come." He said with a sniffle, even his voice sounded sick.

"And I told you I made no promises." She responded hiding a plastic bag behind her back that she had gotten on her way there. Kai then used her free hand to feel his forehead and gasped softly.

"You're burning up, Karma-kun! C'mon you, you're going back to bed right now." She turned him around and started pushing him inside the house.

"Did you technically just call me hot, K-Chan?" Karma purred as she pushed him through the doorway and closed the door behind her. He chuckled when she froze in her spot before blushing madly and yelling at him.

Space... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now