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Welcome back! Lately I've been stressing and feeling a huge wave of writer's block, but I thought it wouldn't be right to just forget about this story because of that. Without any further delays, how about we just jump right on in?

Summer would be soon coming to a close for class 3-E as the students were now realizing. Kai was rubbing her temples at the thought of going back to school. Yes, she loved her class and the assassination adventure they went on together everyday in class, but she was still a teenager and she still disliked doing work as much as the next one.

"A test of courage? On our last day here?" Kai perked up as her ears picked up on something her best friend said. By the looks of it her teacher would be dragging the class into another one of his schemes and it sparked a certain blue eyed girl's interest. Kai's teacher started to complain about how he was stuck in a ball-like state the whole time they've been on vacation and how he wanted to have fun while he still could.

"I'm in!" The raven haired girl exclaimed, her gym uniform swaying in the wind as the redhead next to her to raise a questioning eyebrow in her direction.

"I didn't peg you as someone who liked that type of thing... Especially after what happened last time~" Karma teased his girlfriend playfully. She knew he was referring to the haunted house they went to before summer break started and she would rather not relive that experience. She smiled softly at him before she went to grab his ear. The amber eyed male winced at her tight hold on it.

"Ouch! Kai-chan, that really hurts! Lemme go!" The redhead whined as the class that was gathered around the couple watched the display in shock. The class had never seen Karma act quite like this before. They supposed that this was Kai's way of keeping him in line and decided to move on with the talk on the test of courage whilst the couple bickered like an old married couple.

As Kai and her classmates started to head off towards the location of the test of courage, Karma got the girl half of the class' attention and brought them just out of his girlfriend's earshot.

"What did you drag us over her for Karma-kun?" Rio piped up first as the girls gave him a questioning look.

Karma paused for a moment, thinking over what wording he'd use for this proposal of his. "I brought you all here because I have a proposition for you." A sly smirk made it's way to Karma's face and the girls resisted the urge to shiver out of pure fear. After they prompted the redhead to continue he explained that none of them had ever seen Kai when she's jealous and he wants to change that fact.

"So I thought for the rest of the night we'd mess with her a bit and see what reaction we'd get outta her. What do you say? It'll be just harmless teasing, I promise." The male suggested and the girls thought it over.

A look of wariness flashes across Okuda's face. "I don't know if I wanna go meddling with Kai-chan's feelings like that. She's my friend after all." Okuda uttered with some agreement, but Rio just gave a wide smirk.

"Let's do it. I'm the girl that knows Kai-chan best, and she doesn't usually hold grudges so we should be okay to just poke fun at this, right?" Rio snickered with Karma as the others finally caved in. So just like that, plan 'Make Captain Oblivious Jealous' was a go.

Once everyone made it to the cavern that the test of courage would be held in, their gelatinous teacher told them to pair off into boy-girl pairs. Though with the uneven number of students there should be one group of three somewhere. Kai immediately looked in Karma's direction to find he had already paired up with Okuda.

'Odd... Karma-kun usually picks me for partner activities. Is something the matter? Did I do something wrong?' The girl thought to herself before Kayano offered to let her into her group and become a group of three. That's how Kai ended up in the cavern next to Nagisa and Kayano, not even paying attention to the scares being thrown her way because she was so confused as to what she did that rubbed Karma the wrong way.

Space... [Akabane Karma X OC] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now