Chapter 36: Something Unexpected

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Hey beautiful readers! Another chapter made just for you guys. Sorry for the typos. I lack sleep and my head is under attack by migraine.

Without any further ado, here is Chap 36.


Ryann’s Perspective

What I feel now is beyond confusion. A total bewilderment.

I plunge into the water, gravity pulling me down deep and deeper. The water pushing me in all directions. The water is like air- the unbreathable air. My head craned to my right and I saw Aiden- his arms crossed to his chest then he spreads them out to swim towards me. The blue ocean brings out the beauty of his eyes.

What did he say just now? He said, 'I'm falling for you', right?

I think he mistaken my immobility as that I can’t swim. It was just that I am stunned by what he said. He snakes one of his arms around my waist and started kicking upward to the surface.

We both inhaled a deep breath as the air touches our faces. Aiden cackles loudly like he’s having the time of his life. “That felt good!” He tells me. “Oh, sorry. I-“ He immediately lets go of me.

“It’s okay.” I am always awkward around pretty much everyone, but this is something new. He started rubbing his nape, embarrassed at his action. He was the one who was bashful not me. Why so? And why am I so disturbed by this?

We decide to dry off and leave for it was getting dark. After a few minutes of me paddling like a dog and Aiden swimming like a pro, we finally reach the sandy shore.

“Hey.” I heard him the first time but ignored it. “Hey! Why the silent treatment?” He pulls me by the elbow and I just stare at him. “What’s wrong?” He worried.

“Nothing.” My voice almost inaudible. I pull away from him and tramp faster than before.

Nothing?” I hear him laugh incredulously.

I turn back to him. “Nothing!” I say in a ‘duh’ tone. Then I tore my eyes away from him. I know he sees through me. Always.  “I-It’s cold out here. Le-Let’s just leave already.”I pleaded truthfully.

“You are a terrible liar.” He says, shaking his head.

“Stop it, okay? What part of nothing do you not understand?” I whined. Though I know he can read me like an open book, I still try and put my defenses up.

“You always say nothing when it actually means something!” He accused, not minding what I just said.

My breath hitched. Tears almost instantly threatened to leak out of my eyes. Blinking back the tears, I feel so stupid for crying just because I know, deep within me, that Aiden is right.

Really, RJ. What is wrong?” He gave a heartfelt appeal, cupping my face with his hands.

No words escape my mouth because I am aware that when I begun talking, everything will come crashing through and through. And I will breakdown, which is not what I need right now. So instead of saying something, I simply gave him a blank expression. Hoping that my teary eyes won't give way to what it is I truly feel. Although I am not sure what it is I feel exactly.

“Fine.” He holds up his hand in surrender, backing away from me. “Fine!” My heart jumped at how loud his voice was. After that, he walks away and I thought he would just leave me there.

In spite of his sudden rage, he wheeled around and trudged toward me. His eyes burned with sorrow contrary to his strong booming voice. “You know what! I tried, RJ. Really! I did everything just so I can break those impenetrable walls of yours. But all you do is push me away!”

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