Chapter 30: Visitor

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Ryann's Perspective

I wish for everyone's happiness.

I was surprised to see Karla and Eddie waving at me in the airport. They both have a luggage on their sides. So, they're not here to bid us goodbye.

"Are they-"

"Yeah, they're coming with us." Aiden answers coldly and brushed past me, scooping my bag from the floor.

We've been like this for a while. We never mentioned that awkward conversation we had at the hospital. It wasn't really a conversation and things only started to become awkward when he gave me a baby blue-colored box.

I still wasn't able to open it. When I told him I don't want any gift from him, that's when he started giving me a cold shoulder. He wasn't frowning but his eyes says it all. He was disappointed, sad, unsatisfied, and I don't know what else.

"What's gotten into him lately?" Danica catch up to me, breathless because of her heavy bags.

"Madam, let me carry that for you." Finn, who's coming with us too, offered.

"Stop calling me that Finnigan! Thanks by the way." I hear Danica said. "Maybe he's just pissed because Aunt-his mom didn't let him use their private jet."

I wasn't really listening to Danica at all. A few words like 'pissed' and private jet' are the only words that made it's way to my good ear. "I don't know." was all I said. I fibbed. Although, somehow I feel it has something to do with that gift.

It took more than four hours until I can finally see the islands of Chinandega through the window. It is so beautiful and I can't help but be in awe.

"Ry, are you sure you'll be fine?" Karla, who is seated next to me asks.

I nodded and said, "Look here Karla." I gestured for her to the window and her face turned from a frown to a great delight. "It's pretty." She whispers in amazement. "We will have so much fun I promise you that. But don't overwork yourself. Okay?"

I nodded in agreement. "Have you heard from Liberty?" Her bright smile, like the sun at dusk, subsided as I mentioned this.

Karla shook her head sheepishly. "Never saw her at school. I tried calling her not once, but she won't answer me. I even tried going to their house but she wasn't there. I don't know where she is until two days ago. Her boyfriend" She rolls her eyes almost out of her sockets. ".. talked to me. He said that Liberty left almost a month ago. He told me this because he too always visit Liberty's house and he happens to see me waiting by my car."

"No worries Ry." She assured me. "I bet you anything she's doing fine. And right now, don't mind yourself with other stuff. Just seat back, relax and enjoy everything. We're in for a good weekend, I promise." She says, crossing her legs and adjusting her sunglasses up to her nose. Though it almost covered her whole face, I was still  able to see her brows wiggle.

I scrunch my face with the way she giggled. It was like seeing the spawn of Satan have her plan on the go. "You're creepy." I shuddered at the thought that she's up to something.

"Am I?" She acted zipping her mouth and covered it with both her hands. It was really silly of her. She was now struggling with her own hands. Like her mouth really wanted to open. "Ugh!" She breathe out. "I just can't shut my mouth. Have you heard of the latest gossip at school?" She asks excitedly. A bright sheen in her eyes.

Karla really does have different personalitites. One time she's serious then another, she's a gossip girl.

I gave her a blank stare. You know, the one that clearly states: Seriously? You know I've been in the confines of the hospital for more than a week so how am I suppose to know?

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