Chapter 11: Another Favor

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I really love to share this story with you. I'm starting to fall in love with it, and I hope, from the top to the bottom of your hypothalamuses, you will too.


Enjoy this chapter! :) 


Okay! Let's have a little recap of the week.

Danica showed up at the infirmary after five hours of spending time with the principal.

She nagged at the poor old man, telling him that our school corridors should have security cameras.

'What if there was a foul play and no one was there to witness what really occurred?" She replayed to me what she said to Mr. Samson.

The ball was postponed for two days after what happened to me. There was a discreet interrogation from the school staff to the students who witnessed what happened.

Oh by the way, when I said discreet, the whole school knows about it. So that's that. Note the sarcasm!

You know how Dan is about my safety so I'm sure she's the one behind all this. Even though I insisted that it was indeed an accident.

After a day of investigation, the result was there was no foul play at all.

I asked Karla about the project their adviser gave them. She told me they were assigned to make a short film about the universe, this year's ball theme. And that they may ask some help from other fellow Senior sections. I told her I would help. But only after I make it up for the exams I missed.

Speaking of the ball, I never mentioned why the school held one on September. It is a fund raising event slash ball slash party. Half of the payment of our tickets to the mentioned event will be donated to some charity workers like some celebrities.

Back to reality.

After my make-up exams, we, Karla, Lib and I, did their project with no hassle at all. In just half a day, we already finished it. The three of us high fived each other.

I learned that Lib's full name was Liberty Freidrich. She was named after the Statue of Liberty. You know, the trademark of New York? Yeah she was born there but grew up here in Chicago. She met Karla when Karla transfered back to our school. She, like Karla and I, was also an outcast here at Levi High. Not nearly as much as I am though, but that's how she and Karla got along.

My mood is in it's best whenever I'm with them. And I thought, What if I wasn't badly hurt that time? Would Karla have approached me? Maybe, that's what they call a gift in disguise.

I totally couldn't care about the incident by the events' hall anymore. I mean, with my old friend returning? I totally forgotten about my saviour.

Don't get me wrong, I will forever be grateful at what that 'hot guy', as Lib love to call him, did but, I am not interested in thanking him personally just for him to realize that he just saved a too plain looking girl. Not someone with a sexy arse.

Karla always bring up the subject of my mysterious savior, but I would shrug it away.

I woke up and yawned loudly. My bandage were already removed, but the stitches were still there. The nurse on our clinic adviced me to drink some medicine and told me to rub a green pus-like ointment on them after bath. My wounds aren't really visible as my brown hair is covering them.

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