Chapter 6: A series of Unfortunate Events

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Lunch is almost over, so I left the library and go to my locker to grab my Math textbook for my last period. I never got lunch inside the cafeteria for being so socially awkward, and today was no different.

Plus, my situation is worser. I got into a fight with Cynthia who is unfortunately my ex-bestfriend's current girlfriend. So, having lunch in the cafeteria is next to impossible.

Hey life! What did I ever do to you?! Like all I ever did was to be bornI scoffed. If I ever got a chance to publish a book about myself, I would entitle it 'A series of Unfortunate Events that Ryann Jean Lovegood deserves', Yup! It's that longI gritted my teeth together.

No Ry, no one deserves this. Not even you.

I was ten minutes early before lunch was over when I headed for my math class. Mrs. Pines, our math teacher, was already situated behind her desk.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Pines!" I greeted half-heartedly. She smiled and nodded gesturing for me to take my seat.

I walked to the farthest chair at the back of the room where I take my usual seat. My foot got caught onto something and..


Good thing it was only me and Mrs. Pines who rushed to my aid. I fell face first on the floor. So clumsy! It was still embarassing enough with my math teacher alone.

I don't want to be part of anyone's attention in class. So please Ryann, stop being your idiotic self just for today! I mentally pleaded to myself.

My face reddened with the impact I gained from the fall. I plugged my ears with my iPod's earphones and listened to Imagine Dragons as I waited for class to start. After two songs, the bell rang and the door burst open and students' laughters and gigglings filled the room.

I put away my iPod and shifted a little on my seat for a comfortable position.

"Hey Ry, does your face hurt?" One of the girls joked. And the whole class burst into laughter. I don't know if she was pertaining to what happened between me and Cynthia or was it because my face was still red from my little accident a few minutes ago.

Mrs. Pines stood up silencing the class at once. I rolled my eyes,

She should've done that a little earlier.

"Now, now students! Our-" She stopped as the door flew open for the second time. At that moment I wanted to run away as I saw who it is. Someone I least expected to see. I tensed up a bit.

Oh c'mon! NOT HIM AGAIN! I protested silently.

"Yes, may I help you?" Mrs. Pines asked sternly.

Please say you're in the wrong roomPlease say you're in the wrong roomPlease say you're in the wrong roomI chanted to myself, crossing my fingers.

I looked away so as to not get caught looking at him. All the girls started giggling and batted their lashes madly at him.

"I'm new here. Sorry I'm late." His deep voice tickling my ears, tempting me to look at him but I didn't move. I looked out the window on my left.

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