Chapter 24: The Right Place at the Right Time (Part 2)

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Karla's Perspective

Ryann might lose her consciousness. She appears close to being so, for her pale complexion just got paler.

"I got her." Another guy appeared and scooped Ryann from the ground. Stone's reaction was more than gratifying for this new guy.

"Stop right there Shaw."

My jaw dropped at the scene I'm witnessing right in front of my eyes. A guy, a little taller than Stone, helds a stunned Ryann in his arms and Stone looking like he's about to beat the crap out of the new guy.

"I think I can walk." Ryann articulated. I know that she smells it too. A fight is about to broke off.

"Are you sure?" The one carrying her asks in disbelief.

"You heard her. Now put her down." The atmosphere was already cold with the cloudy weather, but as I heard Stone's voice in a low monotone, I felt a cool shiver down my back, giving me goosebumps in the course.

Eddie went to my side. I noticed that even Chad and his gang know that it is time for them to leave.

I've seen a lot of fights before, having been part of one myself. And I always get excited to watch as either struggles to win. But as the scene that I'm viewing right now unfolds, it makes me wanna flee. It's like this isn't going to be the usual hilarious fights I've witnessed.

Eddie doesn't know about that part of me, and I have no plans of telling him about it. I don't want him to think that I'm a violent person. And me being the victim of the bully myself.

"On second thought, I don't think I can walk."

"Did Ryann just said that?" I asked no one in particular for I already know the answer.

"RJ, are you.. are you sure? I could-" Stone tried to reason Ryann out of it. He sound wounded. And all Ryann says is "Yes." so instantly.

"I'll bring her to the infirmary then." The guy told me. I wanna stop him, not just because I don't trust him. But somehow, seeing Stone like this is killing my conscience.

* * *

Ryann's Perspective

As soon as we were out of earshot from the others, I pushed Blaize and he put me down gently even though I gave him all the anger emanating within me. It's amazing that he didn't feel the wrath in my chest.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?" He asks trying to check if he did so. "No." I walked a few good distance away from him and continued, "I don't have any idea what grudge you hold against Aiden but you know he's pissed whenever you're around! So why come here?" I let out all my frustration. This guy is acting very odd. Anyone who sees Aiden's eyes that would go for the kill would probably run away and never look back.

"So you're not hurt?"

Why do I get the least attention when I'm angry? There's just the two of us in the hallway, how come he acts like I'm talking to somebody else?

"I just got enrolled here. That's why I'm here..." He looks around, walks near me, then leans down so that his eyes are levelled with mine. He's got the beautiful shades of ocean blue with specks of light green in them. If he were'nt so obnoxious, I might have asked him to stay for a while and let me look at his eyes for the whole--

I literally shook the thought away.

Seriously Ryann, you shouldn't be thinking about those things.

"Do I dazzle you?" I frowned at his question. "Just kidding." He chuckles. "You'll never know who the real devil is." He says casually as he straightens up. "Be careful, Ryann." He added with a wink and walks away, leaving me rooted on the spot.

What in the world does he mean by that?

The bell rang as a signal that it's time for me to go home.



I know there's some changes about Karla's attitude. I'll explain why.

*She really was a bubbly person and very talkative as much as Liberty. But after her parents' divorce taking its toll on her, and not to mention the bullies at school too, she masked her true identity with her goth appearance. So when she returned to Levi High, no one recognized her. She got into fights too. She-

*zips my mouth* Oops! Haha! TMI. Everything about her will be revealed anytime soon.

Now, about Blaize? Wait for the next chapter.

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