Chapter 28: Lonely Love

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Aiden's Perspective

How much more do I have to like you before you know my feelings?

"Yes, I'm aware of that. I know." I ended the call and headed straight to the principal's office.

"Mr. Samson." I nodded, not saying any formal greetings to the balding man seated behind the large desk. "I was told to give you this." I put the envelope on top of his desk. "It's Ryann Lovegood's medical certificate. The doctor says she will be needing at least half of the month to rest and regain her strength."

The old man only bowed letting me know that he understands.

I stared on the figurine of a dolphin on his desk waiting for him to dismiss me.

"How is she?"

Returning my gaze back at Mr. Samson, I answered, "She's well. Just needed a lot of rest."

"That's good. My staff's worried of their most excellent student, and so am I."

After a short pause, he continued. "Well, aren't you ging to visit Ms. Lovegood?"

I wasn't expecting that.

"Pardon, sir?" I asked in surprise. Surely, he wouldn't let me go again. I've been gone for a week because of some personal matters. But here he is, suggesting that I go visit Ryann.

I wasn't expecting to be dismissed like this.

"I will give your teachers an excuse for you." He says politely.

"What?! I mean, is it.. really.. okay.. to-to you? Sir?" I was stuttering with awe.

"I don't want another student attending classes yet their minds are wandering off somewhere. Off you go, Mr. Stone. Before I change my mind." He smiled warmly at me and I return it with a genuine smile too.

"Thank you, Mr. Samson."

With a glee on my face,- Yes. I really can't stop my lips from spreading widely into a smile-, I stomp my way to the hall thinking that the odds are on my side now.

I already missed a week at school looking for my father and spending my nights at my condo unit. I never returned home because mom would just be talking about the flight to Europe at the end of this month. And in between those activities, I never forget to visit her.

But I was barely able to talk to her. Because it's either she's asleep or I never make it in time and visiting hours are over.

This time, I'll make sure to do so.

There's not much time left.

It's almost a week before September ends and I will go back to Europe. My doctor scheduled another check-up and tests for my condition.




How I wish it would be RJ who calls me eagerly like this.

Sighing deeply, I stopped walking and wheeled around.

"What!" I roared at the most annoying person I think I'll ever meet. "You never knew when to give up, do you?"

"Where are you going?" She asked, ignoring my question. She crosses her arms to her chest.

"To RJ! Why? Do you have a problem?"

She didn't say a word. And so I said, "Thought so." I huffed the words out and left her on the hall.

"I'm sorry!"

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