Chapter 4: Mr. Parkinson's Promise

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I woke up and found myself staring up at a beige ceiling. Beige? My room is white. I sat upright and realized I was still in the living room, and the tv was still on.

I looked up at the bookshelf on my right where a mini replica of Big Ben stood. It says it's three minutes past six. I must've slept while watching tv and waiting for Danica.

Letting myself up, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw fifty-three messages and seventeen missed calls. They were from Danica. All of it were the same:

Ry, please pick up! I forgot the keys to the house. - D

"Oh my!" I said outloud. I was dreaming about a house being restored by carpenters. They were hammering the nails hard onto a rigid wood.

That must've been the faint knocks that I heard while I was asleep.

Damn it Ryann!

I looked around the windows, searching for some signs of forced entry or something. After circling around the house for a minute or so, I couldn't find any sign of someone coming in through the windows.

Think hard. Danica's so vain that she would never let a night pass by without her night cream on her face. I ran up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. I stride towards the door nearest the staircase.

Knock! Knock!

No answer. Maybe she's asleep.

"Danica?" I pressed my left ear to the door expecting some shuffling sound from the other side, but nothing came. I turned on my heels and took my phone out from my pocket.

Typing urgently, I looked at the clock on the wall at the end of the hall. It was almost six-thirty. I cursed under my breath, I should go prepare for school or I'll be late.

I tapped the send button, praying for Danica to respond at once. She's never this irresponsible. She knew I'd be worried. I sent her another message telling her that I'd be at school and that she should pick me up.

And then again, it's my fault she was not able to get inside. But she was the one who forgot the keys, not me. Oh this is silly!

I got into my room and hastily snatched some clothes from my walk-in closet. I then went to the bathroom. The water was cold but I need to be done in ten minutes so I showered with a shiver on my back. I was done. I got out of the shower room and took a towel from the cabinet beside the sink.

Wiping my hair until it's dry, I then twisted the towel on my head with my hair in it. My body's already dry so I put on my jeans and a plain white tee.

I looked at myself in the full-length mirror. My ebony brown eyes were shadowed with dark circles under it, making me look groggy. I looked pale because of the cold water. Freckles on my cheeks were giving me that nerdy effect even without my eyeglasses. My nose not really as pointy and crooked as Americans have. It was small like my mother's. And my lips, my oh-so dry lips. Tut! I dabbed some lip balm to moisturize it. My  lips were never inviting like Aiden's. Which reminds me of what happened last night. I froze on the spot. My whole face almost instantly turned beet red.

Oh my! What's up with me and my sudden blushing whenever his face pops up in my mind?!

Tut! I clicked my tongue and got out of my room. I ran downstairs while scrunching up my hair in a messy bun.

You're thinking too much. Don't let him get you off guard, he's just messing with you. My inner voice told me.

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