Chapter 15: Beauty and the Beast

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story of my life

take her home

drive all night

to keep her warm

and time is frozen

[story of my life one direction]

This song is for my dear @aeirylle! Thanks for the upcoming new cover.

I would also like to thank my sisters, and my cousins. *Bows

Thank you also to @SarSar_96 for you wonderful comments. :)


It took me so long to finish this chapter. I don't know why but it did. Ha ha! I think this is the one of the hoity-toity ones?

Here it is. I hope you guys love it.


For the fifteenth time, ENJOY!


Karla and I chose the table farthest from the stage. I gawked around in awe.

The whole event hall was amazing. The decorations were great. From astronaut-costumed caterers to the different planets painted on the stage.

Star-shaped lanterns were hung on the ceiling with indigo blue cloths draping around them. It reminded me of the California night sky by the beach where Aiden and I used to spend a lot of time.

I pulled my gaze away from the fake night sky and focused on Karla who seemed to be enjoying herself.

She was humming to Kings of Leon that was on tuned when we entered the school.

might enjoy this. I told myself, suddenly having a great feeling of excitement.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen!" A high-pitched voiced echoed from the microphone breaking my eardrums.

I spoke to soon.

It was Cynthia.

"I, Cynthia Colston, Captain of Levi High Cheering Squad.." As she mentioned the squad, loud jeers and applause were heard from the audience muffling her voice.

"Yes.. Yes!" She smiled with full of pride as though they already won the cheerleading competition. I prevent myself from rolling my eyes as she continued. "As I was about to say, I'm here to present to you one of our main guests tonight."

"Tonight will be one of the greatest time you'll have in your life. So each and everyone of you should enjoy." She said flicking her hair away from her face. "I'll make it quick because I am so excited." She clears her throat. "Now, as a prize for the participation of our school to the Fund Raising for the poor, may I present to you, the one, the only living legend...

"John Legend!"

Oh my!

Everyone applauded including me. I am a big fan especially I once visited his Music Seminars when I was just a newbie in playing my piano. I really love him. That sounded a bit cheesy, but I really am in love with his music.

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