Chapter 34: For the First Time

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Sorry for the late update! There's been a lot in my mind lately. And I think I'm experiencing the writer's block syndrome. He he! I will make it up to you guys though.

[Play Mixtape by Butch Walker]

Anywho! Here's Aiden's POV as promised. Hope you love it!


Aiden's Perspective 

Usually, whenever something like last night happens between me and some girl I just met, that girl would turn head over heels for me like her life depends on it. And there will also be the chase. Like, really chase after me.

But with Ryann, everything is unusual.

"Aiden! Aiden!" I hear Danica open the door to my suite with a 'bang', panting and in full panic.

"Why?! What!" I covered my face with the throw-pillow. I forgot that I slept on the sofa and that I'm still wearing a tux. She did not answer so I look up at her. "Why are you still on your night clothes?" I couldn't help but chuckle at how foolish Danica looks. But when our eyes meet, I sensed enormity there. So I silenced my sarcasm and asked again. Only this time, seriously. I stood up. "What happened?"

"Ryann's missing! That's what happened!" She shrieked. Although her voice was shrill, it was not for that reason why I am rendered speechless.

"Did you check everywhere?" I asked, no more hint of gag in my voice.

"Not really." Her voice broke. She rubs her palm to her face and muttered, "I didn't saw her at the party last night. I have not a single idea of what's going on! She texted me ealier this morning! I don't know what it means. Here."

She handed me her phone where Ryann's message is opened:

I'm going away for a while.  - Ryann

"I already ask assistance from the hotel security." She sunk on the sofa and leaned her head to her hands.

"That's all you can do for now. Leave the rest to me." I kissed the top of her head and went inside my room to fix myself. After I'm done, I told Danica to rest and stay in her room so that when Ryann comes back, she will be able to update me.

                                        *        *        *        *

Making myself comfortable while walking around, roaming the streets, searching every corner, every bookstore, every floor of every building, Danica sends me updates of what areas the security has cleared. So that I would not waste my time searching the same place again.

In my haste to get this floor done with and search other storeys, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"What the-"

It was Eddie. "Sorry. Oh Aiden! I.. Uhm.. have-" He hesitates on what to say and resorted to, "I gotta go." I look down at the bouquet of roses that now scatter on the floor. I didn't meddle on it for he's not my priority. I'll ask him later if I get the chance. That is if I get the chance?

What if he needs a friend now?


I find it would be odd for Ryann to be there, but I still let myself inside a bar slash restaurant and it was not for nothing.

Karla was unsurprisingly seated on a table not too far from the entrance. I hurried towards her. This feels like one of those Liam Neeson movies, where he interrogates a person who gives him only a vague answer. Nonetheless, he was still able to use the slightest information he has onto finding what he is looking for. I just wish and hope that Karla would be helpful, because, as you all are aware, I am not Bryan Mills.

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