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   Julian throws his fist through the wall. When he saw Miranda and Gabriel enter the Pike's household, he couldn't believe it. The Authority Elim would never visit or show his presence to a human unless under critical circumstances. What had his confusion turn into curiosity was when Gabriel left guards surrounding the premises. Julian had enough of wondering what could possibly cause the presence of the God's right hand man and tried to make his way inside the house. He was stopped as soon as he reached for the door. It wasn't long until the guards' reinforced backup and transferred him to the Keepers' ground. He had spent over eight hours on a desert with the Keepers being hidden from sight. They created the illusion just for him, and he hated it. He did sense their forms surrounding him, but he couldn't define their locations.

Julian frowns when he blinks, and the desert is replaced by a white space. There are no linings of a room, it's all pure white. He takes a step forward and doesn't hear a sound.

"You're lucky."

He turns around to face the form of the voice. He finds Miranda staring at him with her eyes filled with anger. "Why am I here, Miranda?"

"Because I saved you from being deserted like you were. Do you have a clue what I had to go through to have you removed from the safety of the Keepers?"

"Why was I forbidden to go into Alyssa's home?"

"The God ordered for it."

"Why were you and Gabriel there? What happened to her?"

"Now you care?" Miranda takes a threatening step towards him. "That woman doesn't deserve your hate. She was meant to love you and all you brought down on her is misery and its company."

"Answer my questions now."

She shakes her head. "I will inform you of something." She sighs. He can tell that what she will say, he will not like. "Gabriel confirmed it to me. Alyssa doesn't remember her past as Annalisa. She has no remembrance of the time with you, or any past after that. She only remembers her human years. That's eighteen years of the hundreds you judge her for."

Her statement confuses him. How can that be? He remembers the look in her eyes when she had the Katana of Selene firmly in her hand. Those eyes of a malicious being when she threatened him to stay away from her loved ones. "That can't be possible. She's an Immortal. She has to remember her past. It sticks to all of us like a plague."

"Julian. If you only knew how much suffering she's in, you would pity her. She's changing her course of life. She's become a new Alyssa, but not Annalisa. She's not becoming Annalisa."

"You have a pure heart, Miranda, but your heart won't save her from what she's done to me. She deserves nothing less of what I plan to do to her."

"How can you punish someone who doesn't remember their wrong doings? You may think you have a heart of ice, but not even you are that cold-hearted."

"You have yet to meet me then."

Miranda takes a step back. "You are allowed to leave Julian. There are conditions to your leave. First, you are forbidden to see Alyssa today. Second, you are to stay away from the Followers or any of the Underworlders. Lastly, you need to report to Gabriel tonight for a form of punishment for your reluctance to leave the grounds when ordered to."

"Is that all?"

"You are not the man I thought you were Julian. I love you like a family sibling I never had. I could help you, but I can't save you from your blindness of the truth. You will see soon enough that your blindness was the cause of your fall, not the woman who fought to the bone for you."

No More Tears, Julian (Indignation)Where stories live. Discover now