The Spawns | Chapter XLIII -- Go Beat Your Clay

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Go Beat Your Clay

Chapter XLIII—Jayden

© DarknessAndLight

When I got back home, Mom was far gone and so was Dad.

All alone in a big house again. My parents should really start taking their parenting job more seriously and stop leaving me without supervision in an empty house with a horny girlfriend.

I had maybe a millisecond where I thought I probably shouldn't go back to my room to a half naked Maika. I shouldn't be tempting fate this much.

But I wasn't exactly known for making good decisions, so of course I went back up.

If I was a hundred percent honest though, everything had been happening so fast between us in the last day—god, day, it'd just been a day—I kinda needed a second to find my bearings again. I actually needed to keep it in my pants and process what all of this having-feeling-for-my-best-friend thing really meant. Clearly Maika had years to accept and deal with her liking me. I had no idea I even had feelings for her.

Now that I thought about it though, a lot of things I had done or thought over the years totally made more sense.

I hated to admit it, but people were right, I was totally unobservant. I didn't even know my own feelings. My parents should be so proud of me.

I was standing in front of my room's door now, not doing anything. I really needed to stop doing that—not doing anything.

Slowly, I pushed it opened. Maika was still sleeping, her arms wrapped around one of my pillows, her back to me.

I smiled at the sight.

I never needed that much sleep, but my bed looked very tempting right about now. Slowly, while trying not to make too much noise, I made my way back to her.

I was super careful, trying not to move the mattress too much and wake Maika up. I didn't want her to wake up just yet because that would mean I would have to make choices and think with my head and probably not my penis and it was too early for me to make any kind of sensible decision.

I lay on my side, looking at my girlfriend and wondered about my new role. I had never been anyone's boyfriend before. I might totally suck at it. It was kind of scary. I was on completely uncharted territory. I didn't want to be bad at it. I wanted to make Maika happy.

Her head was facing the other way, so I had a splendid view of her ebony hair. I ran my fingers through it.

After a couple of minutes, her breathing seemed to pick up and she suddenly turned her head. "Now that I'm officially your girlfriend you seriously need to start considering taking responsibility every time you do stuff like that, or in general really, for everything that happens in my pants. Or lack of pants. Or panties."

I was caught totally off guard because I had been sure she was still asleep and also, holy hell, what? "Wait, did you take all your clothes off?"

"Maaaaaaaaybe," she trailed with a cheeky voice. I pulled the covers off of her. Sure enough, all there was underneath there was smooth naked skin.

I snapped the covers back down and got out of bed automatically. "I should go beat my clay," I mumbled.

Maika turned around with a smirk. It was also important to mention that when she did that, now I had a clear view of her breasts. "That's definitely a code for hand stuff with yourself."

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