The Spawns | Chapter XI -- The Question Sort of Answered Itself

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The Question Sort of Answered Itself

Chapter XI—Cole

© DarknessAndLight

While sitting in the stairs, my legs dangly lazily by the side, while I held Fluffy tightly to my chest and mentally repeated “please make this end quickly” like a mantra.

            Mum and Dad were warmly welcoming our first guest, which inadvertently happened to be Tyler and Vanessa. That wasn’t a bad thing in itself, it just implied that Nikki had arrived first and I would be stuck with her. Alone. Because of course, she would find a way to corner me. Because she wanted the goods all for herself—the goods being me.

            I wasn’t stupid, I knew my parents had good genes and made a pretty decent looking kid. And apparently I wasn’t the only one in the room who had come to this conclusion.

            Nikki’s two little brother, Jackson and Gavin ran straight to the couch, throwing themselves at it to play with Miss Puss that was sitting on it lazily. Internally, I was telling them to stay as far away as possible from that couch, but I stayed quiet.

            “Cole, how about you show Nikki our old records’ collection?” Mum offered, smiling sweetly at the two of us. Oh that… UGH!

I sighed and tried not to glared, getting up on my feet. “Would you guys want me to show her my underwear too?”

It didn’t wipe the smile off my mother’s face. Actually, I think it grew. Tyler and Vanessa seemed a little worried though. “That’s your business honey,” my hippie of a Mum answered.

Maybe my parents should get a huge sign they could walk around with saying “We want our son to get laid with anyone interested. Anyone.”

I smiled back sweetly. “You sicken me, woman.”

“Coleridge, don’t talk to your mother that way,” Dad reprimanded me.

“Whatever.” I grumbled. “Come along, oh blonde one,” I told Nikki who just stood in the middle of the room, confused. But I didn’t have to ask her twice though and she followed me quickly.

            When we reached the second floor, where was the library and my made-up room, I quickly put on my tour guide face and explained, “On my right you can see the records, also known as vinyls, they are huge and black, excellent to play Frisbee with, but I don’t recommend doing it in front of my father, he would sick his cat on you and no it isn’t an innuendo. On my left you can see a bay window, and now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go and jump off of it. Enjoy the rest of the tour.”

            Nikki laughed, thinking I was joking—I wasn’t entirely. “So, any of them are good?”

            “No, they all suck, that’s why technology made them obsolete,” I replied automatically. It wasn’t that I wanted to be a douche to the poor girl, generally I was a real nondouchy person. I just didn’t want her to have any reason to be lead on. Me and her, it wasn’t going to happen. She was a nice girl and all, she just wasn’t the one for me.

            I went to the bedroom part of the level, to set Fluffy down on my bed—he had fallen asleep in my hands.

Nikki followed, lingering around. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like having her here, in my personal space. She stopped in front of my corkboard with over a dozens of piece of paper with quotes written on them pinned to it.

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