The Snap: Hetalia Perspective

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This is basically the Hetalia version of what happened during the snap in Avengers Infinity War. WARNING: There will be spoilers for Infinity War and potentially Avengers Endgame so if you haven't seen either of those, don't read this because no one likes spoilers. Another warning is that you should be aware of the character death(?) that comes with it. Now enjoy!
It had started out as just a regular day for America.

He had woken up as per usual, took a shower, gotten dressed, had breakfast, gathered all his papers up and into his briefcase, and said goodbye to Tony with time to spare. Then again, the fact that he had a semi-normal morning should have tipped him off from the start. Nothing in his life could ever be classified as normal.

He's the immortal Personification of the United States of America and he knows Personifications of almost all other countries. America's got too many battles scars to count. Some he doesn't even remember where they came from. He's seen people be born, he's seen them live their lives, and then he watches helplessly as they wither away into nothing until they pass on and into the next life. It was...lonely.

The only people that were consistent in his endless life were the other Personifications and he doesn't get along with them all that well. There is something else though. Alfred kept tabs on all of his heroes. He stayed in contact with Captain Rogers even though the man was considered a criminal. He did the same for all the avengers even though they weren't technically the avengers anymore.

Cap had updated him last night that they were going to try and stop a titan named Thanos. Apparently the mad titan was looking for stones that would give him infinite power. The Captain had called them 'Infinity Stones'. If Thanos got his hands on the stones then he would use it to wipe out half of the universe. Alfred had wanted to help them but Steve refused his offer.

He said that he needed to focus on his life right now and that they would take care of it. Alfred had been doubtful of this but decided to put his faith in his former comrade. He and Steve had fought together in the 40's against Hydra and The Axis Powers. It had broken Alfred's heart when he learned that his friend had perished saving his country. America didn't have time to grieve since he had to deal with the aftermath of the war.

He helped Howard Stark with his research but still kept things from him at Peggy Carter's orders. The Tesseract was powerful and Alfred didn't want Howard to get hurt. He was at Howard's wedding and was there to help take care of his son, Anthony. Then Howard and his wife died, leaving America with so many questions. Questions nobody wanted to answer.

Alfred helped Tony grieve the loss of his parents while encouraging him to pursue his dreams and ideas. Alfred then was called to S.H.I.E.L.D to help with a new agent. Her name was Natasha Romanoff and she was a Russian spy. Apparently Clint Barton had spared her life. Clint was one of the few people that Alfred actually trusted. He was currently under house arrest and unable to fight with the others.

Then there was Hulk and Thor. The two had been in some alien Battle Royale recently but had arrived back on earth to help stop Thanos. Alfred was the only one outside of former avengers who knew about what was going.

He had faith in them that they would win. He'd seen their rise, their fall, and everything else in between. So America would just sit on the sidelines for now and wait for Captain Rogers to contact him again.

America had been so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed that he had arrived at meeting building. He entered the skyscraper like building smiling when he saw his older brother, Canada. "Yo Canada!!!" He exclaimed running up to his brother who looked surprised as he was suddenly tackled by his younger but slightly stronger brother.

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