VieAme- Rewrite the Stars (Song fic)

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For WeWriteCoolStories Warning: mentions of past conflict
America smiled at Vitenam as he offered his hand out to her which she took also smiling though it was a bit more nervous than America's. It was their first time going on a date in public. They've always had dates at each other's houses or at a private place where they knew they wouldn't be bothered. It took some convincing but America finally managed to get Vietnam to agree to going on a date to a movie.

As their fingers intertwined with one another Liên squeezed Alfred's hand nervously which he returned slightly harder silently telling her everything was going to be okay. "Alfred...what if someone we know sees us?" The Vietnamese women asked nervously looking around them at the busy New York streets that surrounded them. The American man just smiled at his girlfriend and squeezed her hand reassuringly. "It's okay, Liên. We'll be okay." Alfred reassured and smiled when she nodded.

They started walking towards the movie theater their hands still locked together. Soon they arrived at the movie theater which was well lit up the lights of Broadway. They walked up to the ticket booth (don't know what those things are called) and Alfred pulled out his wallet. "Two tickets for X-Men: Dark Phoenix please." Alfred said to the ticket dealer before he turned to look back at Liên who was still looking around nervously. The American sighed and just brought her hand to his lips kissing it. The Vietnamese Nation's head snapped to him blushing slightly at the open display of affection.

"Everything's gonna be fine, trust me. You do trust me, don't you?" America smiled at her before forming his own blush when Vietnam pecked him on the cheek. "Of course I do, my love. I just feel paranoid about us being out in public together." Vietnam admitted though America already knew that was the reason. Before the American could open his mouth, the ticket dealer interrupted them. "I'm sorry to interrupt but your ticket are ready." The ticket dealer said nervously before handing America the tickets to which he returned with giving the nervous teenager a twenty dollar bill to pay for the tickets.

"Thank you and enjoy the show." The ticket dealer said smiling at the young couple who smiled back at him before making their way towards the doors of the theater. Before they could make it any further however, a voice stopped them in their tracks. "Alfred? What are you doing with Liên?" A familiar British voice questioned followed by a chorus  of French laughter. "Hon hon hon, isn't it obvious, Angleterre? They are on a rendez-vous amoureux~" France purred waltzing up behind the not so happy couple.

"Don't be ridiculous, aru! They hate each other just as much as I hate Opium here." China sneered suddenly appearing with Russia at his side smiling joyfully at America's frozen expression. "Feelings mutual, China. But seriously America? This may be one of the stupidest decision you've ever made! I mean being an idiot is one thing but to associate yourself with a former enemy." England snarled at them causing Vietnam to start shaking. She hated being reminded of the brutal past Alfred and her shared because it reminded her of a time when she hated the man she now loved.

"Alfred I'm sorry I have to go. Maybe this isn't right." Liên said quickly before releasing Alfred's hand and running off into the busy crowds. "Liên, wait!" Alfred called out to her watching her disappear into the streets of New York. Alfred's head snapped back to the small group of personifications more specifically England. Alfred stood in front of England physically towering over the older nation. "How dare you speak to her like that?!" Alfred asked glaring down at the Englishman with icy blue eyes.

"Like what Alfred? I was just speaking the truth. What? Can't handle the truth?" England said smirking at the American though it quickly went away when Alfred's glare intensified. "I don't care we used to be enemies, I love her and she loves me. That's all that should matter." Alfred said before taking off in the direction Liên went off in calling out her name.
"Liên!" Alfred called out to the empty streets still searching for his lover. "Alfred..." A voice quietly spoke causing the American's head to snap in the direction of it. Liên was standing near the open door of an empty warehouse with tear streaks running down her pale face. Her eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying for hours which she had.

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