North Korea x America- Of Desires and Bullies

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For Featherclaw1234 this is a Human AU, hope you don't mind. WARNING: bullying and language.
Alfred F. Jones isn't the most popular kid in Hetalia high. Oh who is he kidding. He's not popular at all. He had messy golden blonde hair that sometimes got in the way in his line of sight. A pair of broken wire rimmed glasses sat on the bridge of his nose that was being held together by a couple pieces of scotch tape. His eyes were an unnatural shade of blue. They were between baby blue and sky blue.

He still hadn't put grown his baby fat even though he was seventeen. His classmates (mostly the football team) insulted his weight and intelligence on a regular basis despite Alfred having better grades than all of them. He was insecure because of the teasing and his self-confidence was in pieces. He was ugly. He knew it. Everyone knew it.

But, what if it wasn't that way?

What if in reality, Alfred was a beautiful young man? What if his classmates felt so threatened and attracted to him that they thought the only way to get rid of these unwanted feelings was to shatter what little self worth he had? Well such is the case with Im-Hyung-Soo.

He had feelings for Alfred Jones. He didn't want these feelings. He didn't need them. That stupid American was just messing with his head. He had been since he laid eyes on the blonde at the start of freshmen year.

Hyung Soo had been walking the halls bored out of his mind. He had been let out of class early along with the rest of his classmates. His little brother had been walking beside him chatting about something Hyung Soo wasn't interested in. He had just turned the corner when he ran into someone.

Hyung-Soo fell flat on his ass letting out a slight hiss as he fell to the ground. He was about to stand up but was taken aback when a sun-kissed hand offered itself to him. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" A voice asked frantically. Hyung-Soo looked up angry and was about to yell at the person who had clearly knocked him over but his breath left his lungs the second he gazed upon the stranger.

The young man looked to be about his age with hair that looked like it was made with the finest golden silk. His eyes were unnaturally wide like that of a puppy's and were a deep shade of blue that made him shiver when they locked onto his own golden-brown orbs. He was taller than Hyung-Soo which vexed him greatly but he overlooked that when he saw slight muscle underneath the boys clothes.

"Are you okay? You seem dazed." The young man said looking concerned. Hyung-Soo blushed when he realized he had been checking his classmate out and angrily swatted the offered hand away. "I'm fine, dumbass! You should watch where you're going!" Hyung-Soo then stood up and started stomping away ignoring his brother calling for him to come back.

The blonde beauty looked confused at this but shrugged off his weird behavior as having a bad day.
It took Hyung-Soo awhile to figure out the blonde beauty's name. His name was Alfred F. Jones. He was in Hyung-Soo's class only sitting a few rows in front of him. That was almost two years ago. Now they're both juniors.

Hyung-Soo wasn't sure if he had intentionally started calling Alfred names but he felt it relieved some of the tension building up within him. He had gotten others to join in as well and soon enough their entire class despised Alfred. Hyung-Soo had to admit that it hurt him whenever Alfred would look hurt at the insults and jabbing. He loves Alfred but he doesn't know if he'll ever tell him or act on it.

Or at least those were Hyung-Soo's thoughts until he saw Alfred with him.

Gilbert Beilschmidt. Gilbert was one of many transfer students that had come to their school in recent years. He and his little brother Ludwig had come from Germany along with some exchange students from Austria and Hungary. Gilbert and Alfred had become friends almost immediately after meeting each other.

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