PrussiaxAmericaxDenamrk- He Likes Me More!

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Prussia and Denmark glared at each other from across the meeting room table, occasionally glancing at the bubbly American, who was drawing funny cartoons on paper that was meant for notes. To any person who didn't know the two European nations it would look like they were about to rip each other's spines out and that wasn't to far from the truth.

You see dear readers, both of the older nations were in love with the oblivious blond American and had always debated who America liked more. They held competitions such as seeing who knew the American the best or who had known him the longest. It was getting very old very fast. America all the while remained completely ignorant to their feelings while trying to mask his own.

America loved both Prussia and Denmark and couldn't decided which one he wanted as he had equal feeling for the pair. America had always dreamed of finding love and being with someone who would love him because he was himself. He just never pictured that he'd fall in love with not one, but two of his best friends. America didn't know what to do or how to confess as he had only been in love once and that was with Amelia Earhart.

After she disappeared, America thought that him loving someone who only cause the, to get hurt in the end like with Amelia. He didn't want to wish that fate upon anyone, friend or foe alike. Of course America never told anyone this as he didn't want to appear weak to his fellow nations. So what if he couldn't be with someone? He was better off alone anyway.

The other nations on the other hand were sick and tired of the trio not admitting their feelings for each other as it piled up on the already sexual tension filled meeting.

They were about ready to just grab the three, lock them in one of the empty meeting rooms, and keep them their until they sorted out their tensions with one and other. Germany was one the verge of doing so as he could no longer take his older brother making go go eyes at a nation 1,000 of years younger than him. It was the same with the Nordics, they couldn't take Denmark constantly talking about how he was going to beat Prussia and win America's heart for himself.

America's brothers France, England, and Canada however didn't agree with America being with Prussia and Denmark as they were very overprotective of one of their youngest family members. To them America was still, but a child and that everyone would take advantage of him if they weren't there to protect him.

So as break let out and as the nation's were dividing into their different groups, Germany pulled the Nordics (not including Denmark) and the F. C. E family (not including America) to the side as everyone was exiting. Hungary had decided to join him as well as she wanted some yaoi action and also she wanted Prussia to be happy.

"Ok! I think the sexual tension between mein bruder, Denmark, and Amerika has gone on long enough!" Germany declared slamming his hands on the meeting table as almost all of the people in the room agreed with the German. Key word being almost.

"Absolutely not! My brother is too young to be in a relationship! Especially with those two!" Canada argued as France and England nodded in agreement with the Canadian that their little brother was too young and naïve for love. Norway stood up from the chair he had been sitting in and looked the Canadian right in the eye as he made his case.

"I've seen the way America looks at Denmark and Prussia, are you telling me your going to deny your brother the ones he loves?" Norway questioned, making the Canadian sputter a little at the inquiry the Norwegian made. "But he's to young to know what love is! So he'll only get hurt in the end!" Canada denied, but he knew deep down inside that his brother was going to be okay with his fellow Awesome Trio members.

After a few more minutes of arguing with America's family Canada finally gave in with with the promise that they wouldn't hurt his brother or force him into any sexual activities as the American was a virgin.

So the plan was set in motion to get the trio to become something more than just friends.

Let's get down to business...

America, Prussia, and Denmark were all sitting at the same lunch table, eating potatoes, hamburgers, and crispy pork with parsley sauce(denmark's national dish), when a sudden gas filled the room. The three nations went wide eyed before they attempted to cover their noses and mouths.

However they were unsuccessful and succumb to the sleeping gas, Denmark slumping in the chair he had been sitting in, Prussia falling to the ground coming into contact with the tiled floor while America fell onto a rug that been placed in the lounge prior to the plan.

When they were sure the gas had done its job, Canada, Sweden, and Germany America walked into the lounge room with gas masks just incase there was lingering gas in the air. Sweden went over to Denmark's chair and slipped an arm around the Dane's shoulders, lifting him up slightly before doing the same with his legs, effectively carrying bridal style. Canada went over to where his younger brother lay unconscious, gently picking him up with the same care of holding a small child. The Canadian smiled down at his brother's cute sleeping face and kissed him lightly on the forehead.

Germany on the other hand, grabbed Prussia by his knees and carried him firman style, joining the others as they were leaving the room. Germany looked at the unconscious bodies nervous.

He hoped to God that this would work

America groaned, his sky blue eyes opening in a sleepy daze as he rubbed his aching head. His vision was blurry for a second, but when his vision become clear America saw  Prussia and Denmark passed out on the flor in the similar fashion he was just in.

He immediately ran to both there sides, shaking them panicky as he called out their human names asking them if they were ok. Prussia was the first to wake up out of the two (Cause he's AWESOME) and sat up when he heard America called his human name in a panicky voice. Prussia saw Denmark waking up as well and hugged the younger blond nation as he began to cry.

"Shh~ it's ok liebling(darling). We're ok." Prussia cooed as Denmark hugged the blond from behind and rubbed circles into the younger's back. America slowed stopped crying when he realized they were ok and not hurt in any way, shape, or form. "Thank goodness! I love you guys to much to let you die!" America blurted out without thinking, causing the two to freeze at this and look down at the teenage nation in shock, who realized what he said and now had a growing blush spreading across his sun-kissed cheeks.

"You love us?" Denmark asked, making the American nod with his head in his hands as he tried to hide his blushing face. Prussia and Denmark looked at each other for a moment before they smirked in agreement.

The blond was so theirs!

Prussia lifted America's head from his hands and cupped the younger's chin as he kissed him with a passion like he never had anyone else, making the American moan quietly. The Dane pulled at America's jacket a little, trying to signal that he wanted it off and that's what he got. As soon as the jacket came of Denmark attacked the others neck, kissing the golden skin and biting the warm flesh making love marks appear on the younger personification's neck and back.

Prussia meanwhile slipped his tongue into Alfred's mouth and began explore the warm, wet cavern. Gods above America was perfect! Alfred moaned as Denmark kissed the fresh marks he made and kissed Prussia back, weaving a hand through his hair.

Prussia regretfully broke the kiss as Denmark parted from the others neck, making America whine slightly at the loss of attention. The two chuckled at this and smiled at the blushing blond.

"We love you, lille ørn(little eagle)" Denmark whispered in his ear, nipping at the lob slightly causing the American to shiver. "I love ya guys too" America said blushing like a schoolgirl and then grinned widely. "Now come here and give me some lovens'~"

America's request was granted as the two started to ravish him and take care of him as it was the blonds first time.

The others left alone time ago, not wanting to see the sex scene(but it took both Germany and Sweden to drag France away though)

Hey guys! Hope u enjoyed! This was a request from the awesome V4804222959 , as always please feel free to comment and request! Bye guys!

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