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Happy Fourth Of July Everyone! With the combined ideas of JacieSellers and Hi_my_name_is_satan I bring to you America's birthday. Our Nation has been independent for 243 years today and heres  to many more. God Bless America!
America should've expected this.

He knew he wasn't really well liked among the Personifications of Countries but he'd at least thought they'd remember his birthday. After all he remembered all of theirs and there were a lot of countries to remember. So when his birthday rolled around, he didn't even get a Happy Birthday from his older brother, Canada. Granted, America forgot about Canada sometimes but he always remembered Canada's birthday. Hell, he even threw him a party because everyone always forgot it. He hated seeing his older brother so sad.

He remembered everyone's birthdays but it seemed that they can't be bothered to remember his and that freaking stung. On top of that he was swamped with paperwork and meetings almost all day so he couldn't even celebrate himself. So here he is, sitting in some stupid meeting with people who don't give a damn thing about him when he could be celebrating with people who actually do care about him. Tyler, Tony, and Molossia. They were his true friends, friends who stayed be his side even though he wasn't usually the most pleasant nation to be around.

But on the upside though, the meeting was going end soon so that meant he could leave and go celebrate with his people. His people always loved the Fourth of July. They were so proud to be American and that brought tears to his eyes which he quickly pushed down not wanting to cry in front of the world. "That's all for today. Meeting adjourned." Germany finally declared causing America to grab his stuff and bolt out of the room leaving more than a few nations confused.

"Vhy's he so excited? Did something happen?" Prussia asked Canada who looked at the ex-empire with a blank stare. "You really don't remember, do you?" Canada remarked quietly but most of the nations heard him. "Remember what, Maple Bastard?" Romano snapped at the quiet Canadian who just shook his heads at them. "That today's America's birthday." That trigged shocked gasps and looks of disbelief from the countries currently occupying the world meeting room. England didn't look too happy about being reminded that today marks the day he lost his little brother but kept silent.

"Ve~, Really? I had-a no idea." Italy said to the Canadian who just sighed into his bear already knowing everyone most likely forgot about his little brother's birthday. Hell, even he forgot until like twenty minutes ago but didn't say anything since they were in a meeting. "I don't think anyone knew or maybe everyone just forgot. I only remembered it just twenty minutes ago." Canada admitted ashamed that he had forgotten about America's birthday when America always remembered his.

"Man, that's tough. Hov old is he anyvay?" Prussia asked the other Personifications who looked like they were trying to come up with an answer but drew a blank. "He's 243 years old today." Mexico stated from his seat causing all heads to turn towards him. "And it's been 527 years since Finland and Sweden found him." Mexico pointed out looking at the two Nordic countries who looked shocked at how much time had passed since they'd first discovered little America. "So in total he's 770 years old." Columbia said drawing heads to her as well.

"Und ve all forgot it." Germany pointed out and it sadly was true so no one could deny it. "It's not like he matters anyway, so it's not really much of a loss." Cuba sneered but quickly went pale when glares were thrown his way and weapons were drawn. "Shut your trap, Cuba." Mexico growled causing Cuba to cower away from the angry Mexican and sink into his seat.

"Has it really been that long?" Denmark asked himself trying to figure out where all that time went. At Canada's nod Denmark sunk into his seat ashamed of himself. "I'm the worst friend ever. I forgot my best friend's birthday and he remembered mine." Denmark groaned feeling so bad for forgetting about one of his best friends birthday. "Same here." Prussia agreed mad at himself for forgetting. Even if Prussia was no longer a nation, America still celebrated his birthday with him.

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