A Girl For A Day (Part 3)

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Warning: America's gonna get her period.

The male nations couldn't believe what they had just witnessed. People from America's revolutionary era had been reborn into different vessels. For the longest time they believed that reincarnation was only possible among immortals such as countries but for some reason a large amount of people were able to be reborn. Interesting.

"The King is alive?" A voice said quietly from the back of the group. Attention was turned away from the boutique and onto England who looked on in disbelief at the information he had just overheard. "Why did it have to be him?" England groaned not thrilled with the prospect of seeing one of his old rulers. The man was practically insane and even England had to admit it.

"Hon hon hon~ Angleterre is not too excited to see his King again, is he?" France teased only to receive a smack on the head from said British nation. "Shut your bloody mouth, Frog!" England growled at the Frenchman just winked at him. "Vell they still haven't seen us yet so—" Just as Prussia said that Hungary turned to the group looking through the window and locked eyes with Prussia. Soon everyone else in the store saw what Hungary was looking at and red flashed in all of their eyes.

Oh shit.
America gasped as she was pulled into one of the fitting rooms by an enthusiastic trio of sisters. The room was filled with different fabrics, design patterns, tape measures, and many more things America didn't know the name of. "Okay so first we need to get you a bra." Angelica said walking over to an opened drawer to pull out a tape measure. "Uh so how exactly do we do this?" Amelia asked nervously fidgeting with the rather large bomber jacket that was draped over her.

"Don't be nervous we just have to take a few measurements. You don't have to do anything except stay still." Eliza comforted smiling at the shorter female. Amelia let out a sigh of relief and smiled back at Eliza. "But you do have to take off that jacket. It's gonna get in the way." Peggy said gesturing to the large jacket covering America. "Really?" At Peggy's nod, America shrugged off her precious jacket and set it on a nearby chair.

"Stretch out your arms." Angelica commanded softly and Amelia followed her demand without protest. "So how has everyone been?" Amelia asked Eliza who sighed and sat down on a chair next to her. "Alexander and Jefferson still argue like there's no tomorrow. Alexander and John started dating when we all found each other so their both happy I think." Eliza started getting up from the chair to walk over to an unfinished dress that was on a mannikin.

"Why does none of that surprise me?" America sighed but a smile betrayed her real emotions. She is happy John and Alex found happiness after all these years. "That's because even after 200 years none of those idiots changed. They just have different bodies now but there still the same idiots you met all those years ago. Burr and Theodosia also found their way back to us." Eliza continued, starting to work on the dress beside her.

"How are Laf and Herc?" America asked the second eldest Schuyler sister who brightened up at the mention of the tailor and French immigrant. "They're very happy. Though it is a little annoying when they decide to get drunk with Alexander and John. They always forget to get a designated driver."  Eliza shook her head in disappointment. "Maybe they expected one of them to stay sober. I remember back at base camp they'd always get too drunk to go back to their tents so me and Washington always ended up carrying them back to their tents." Amelia giggled at the memory of having to carry a drunk Hamilton and Laurens back to their tent so that they didn't freeze to death.

"You also mentioned King George, Charles Lee, and Samuel Seabury. Did you guys find James Reynolds?" The atmosphere immediately became tense at the mention of the man whom everyone despised. "No." Peggy answered after a few minutes of silence. "We haven't found him yet. We did find Maria though." Amelia was relieved that James Reynolds hadn't resurfaced but at the same time she was worried for Maria.

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