A Girl For A Day Part 4 (Finale)

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Hey guys, it's been awhile. Even though I'm currently no longer in the hetalia fandom I felt I owed it to you guys to finish this little mini series. I'm sorry it hasn't come sooner. Now without further ado I give you the finale!
It took some time explaining everything to Alexander and John but in the end they believe the girl in front of them was really the same person they had known all those centuries ago. "I...I just can't believe it." John said causing Amelia to laugh at his stupefied expression. Alexander wasn't saying anything just staring at her with the most dumbstruck expression Amelia had ever seen.

She had left Alexander Hamilton, a man known for stating his opinion whenever he felt like it, speechless!

"If reincarnation is possible, why shouldn't immortality?" America asked the two reincarnations. Alexander finally seemed to snap out of whatever trance America had to put him in. "It does seem possible with the fact that nearly everyone we knew is now living in the present as different people, so immortality isn't entirely out of the question. Are there more people like you or are you the only one? If so why are yo—" Alexander's ramble was cut off when his boyfriend slapped his hand over his mouth.

"So, I'm guessing Hammy hasn't changed at all." Amelia said drawing a chuckle from Laurens and a twitching brow from Hamilton. "No. No he hasn't." John said taking his hand away from Alexander's mouth. Alexander glared at the duo huffing as he knew he was outnumbered. "Ha, ha. You guys know you love me." Alexander smirked at them. "Hell Yeah we do!" John said kissing Alexander's cheek.

Alexander blushed at the sudden display of affection while Amelia was smiling at the couple. They were always so happy together but at the time, Amelia knew they couldn't openly love each other. So now that their together in a time where they can be makes Amelia happy. "Watch your language, John." Alexander reprimanded.

"You have no problem with cursing when you're insulting Jefferson's mother." John pointed out. America couldn't stop herself from doubling over in laughter at that. "Shut up!" Alexander scowled at them as John joined America in laughing. "You three seem to be getting along." A voice said which made Amelia and John slowly stop laughing.

Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy stood at the side of their table each of them bearing a smirk or a smile at seeing the final member of their family getting along with Alexander and John. Yes, they consider everyone (well not Charles Lee, King Charles, or James Reynolds) that had been reincarnated their family and now that America had finally come back to them she was the last piece of their enteral puzzle.

If the universe wanted them to be together, then who were they to say no?

"Hey Angie." John greeted the eldest Schuyler sister. "Eliza, tell them to stop making fun of me." Alexander demanded earning snorts from America and John. "Why?" Eliza asked the immigrant who squawked. "Because they obviously enjoy teasing me." Alexander answered.

"Oh honey, everyone enjoys teasing you." Eliza sent her husband a pity filled look to which he flipped her off causing her to laugh as well. "As charming as this is, we should probably show Amelia everyone else before the days over." Angelica said bringing silence among the group. "Oh crap I forgot about everyone else!" Amelia exclaimed in realization.

Peggy giggled at this remembering how America always used to forget things. Half the time Alexander had to remind him that he had a meeting with someone. "Well then let's go." John said as they stood up from the table. John clocked out and told his boss that he would be taking the next few days off as an old friend had just arrived in town.

John's boss was understanding letting him go without any protest.

And then they were off.
Turns out Kings College wasn't too far away from the café. A good walking distance that give them all plenty of time to catch up. Alexander and John listened to some war story Amelia was telling them from WWII. Before they even knew it, the group was standing in front of the entrance of Kong's College.

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