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The blinding light lasts for a second. After that, I'm left laying on the ground.

Bucky comes running over to me, looking at my left arm. "Y/n, why did you do that?"

I ignore his question, "Did it work?" Asking one of my own weakly.

He puts a hand to my face, holding me. "Yes. You did it."

I look over and see that my arm is completely gone. I feel pain on my face and shoulder. "Will I still be pretty?"

He chuckles. "You'll always be pretty."

I see Tony in the corner of my eye and he looks really worried as well. What's everyone's problem?

"Barnes, stand back." He commands and kneels next to me. He sprays my shoulder with that healing spray that he used on banner.

Suddenly I feel very... tired. A little lightheaded. Would it be bad if I just had a quick nap?

"I'm really tired. I want to sleep." I tell him, slowly closing my eyes.

"Hey! Do not close your eyes! Stay with me!" Tony commands. I slowly open them, finding it very hard to do so. My judgment is skewed but I'm so tired.

"Barnes get on her other side, keep her awake. We need to get her to Wakanda." Tony barks out. Bucky does as he's told and goes to my right side.

"Hey, come on now Y/N. stay awake for me." I try. I really do. But I'm just tired.

"I'm so tired. I just want a quick... nap," I reply, laying my head down and closing my eyes.

"No! No, Y/N, please." Bucky's voice becomes distant before completely disappearing.

"Tony She's out."

"What do you mean?"

"She passed out."

"Sam! Get over here! I need you to fly her to the hospital. Strange! Open a portal as close as you can get!"

All of the teammates come together to help their fallen friend. Everyone does as they're told.

Doctor Strange opens a portal as close as he can to the medical centre, Sam grabs Y/N and flies her in, Shuri's already preparing her lab.

Sam swoops in, looking to the younger girl for instructions. "Put her on the table, I'll get started." He does as he's told and sets the girl on the table gently.

She gets to work, quickly doing scan after scan, test after test, determining what can be done for her.

"Where is she?!" Bucky asks in a panic, Steve right on his tail. Two guards meet them on the outside of the centre.

"I'm sorry, but you cannot come in here."

"She's my sister!" Steve protests, just as the woman they'd like to see walks out.

"It's alright, let them in." Both of the men follow her into her lab. They see their loved one, lying on the table, no arm and bleeding from her face and side.

The Winter Soldier (Female)Where stories live. Discover now