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After our surprise enlistment, we're immediately sent to camp Lehigh for basic training. I learn that their plan is to make a team of super-soldiers, they'll pick two people to do the first human experiments. They want to test it out on one woman to see what the effects are on both genders, of course, only if they deem me worthy. It's not much, but I'll take it.

We are standing around talking in uniform, waiting for someone to call us to attention when I hear a female voice cut through the crowd, "Recruits, attention!" We all get into the standard potion and standstill. "Gentlemen, and woman." She says, winking at me.

"I'm Agent Carter. I supervise all operations for this division." Some idiot cuts her off to make a remark.

"What's with the accent, Queen Victoria? I thought I was signing up for the American army." He says. I know him, he's a sexist pig who's treated me like dirt for being here as a woman.

"What's your name, Soldier?" She asks him sharply. He's about to get it. I smile.

"Gilmore Hodge, your majesty," Hodge replies.

"Step forward Hodge" Agent Carter orders. I can't wait to see what happens. He looks back towards his friends as of to say get a load of this!

"Put your right foot forward." She commands him.

"We gonna razzle? Cause I got some moves I know you'll like." Hodge says smugly. Yikes. I internally gag. But before he can say anything else she punches him, hard.

He falls into the dirt and stays there. I catch her eye and wink, showing my gratitude. She smiles back.

"Agent Carter!" A voice cuts the silence.

"General Phillips." Agent Carter responds, spinning around.

"I see you're breaking in the new recruits nicely." The general looks down at the man on the ground with disgust. "Get your ass up outta that dirt and stand in the line of attention until somebody comes and tells you what to do."

"Yes, sir!" Hodge barks back. What a douche bag.

The general starts a speech. "Wars are fought with weapons, but they are won with men. We are going to win this war because we have the best..... men." He pauses, looking between Steve and I. "And because they are going to get better. Much, much better."

"This week will be training. At the end, we will choose the best men... and or woman."

Throughout the next few weeks, we train hard to get ready for what the good doctor is going to inject us with. I don't struggle much with this stuff, it's very physical but I already workout so I'm in good shape.

Steve is a different story. Climbing the rope wall, he fell with his legs stuck, so I climbed down to help him, I was reprimanded for that. It seems like the name "Rogers" is being yelled a lot here.

The bullying we both endure makes everything a lot harder, everybody wants to prove we don't deserve to be here. So when Hodge kicked out the side of the barbed wire, I tripped him. He tried to report me but there was no proof.

While we're running our miles we stop by two flag poles. The general said that the flags mean we're at the halfway point and that nobody has gotten them down in 30 years, however, anyone who did get one down could ride back in the Jeep.

The Winter Soldier (Female)Where stories live. Discover now