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I feel a prick in my neck as I stare at the doctor in confusion. I slump over immediately, the drug is obviously fast acting. I come back into consciousness for a minute and see something horrifying. I'm laying on an operating table with my bra off and a saw going at my stump. They're cutting part of my arm off. I try to squirm but they must realize I'm awake because in mere seconds I'm out again.

I must be dreaming. I remember a man, he has the same hair colour as me. And I remember another man, he has brown hair, giving me a ring. I remember falling off of a train as the man, who must be my fiancé, screams for me.

My dreams are cut short when my eyes flutter open. I see a few scientists standing around me, monitoring. Something metal catches my eyes. I look down and see it's... my arm. I try to lift it up and find that I can. It's weird, it listens to my commands and moves as I want it to, exactly how I would move my normal arm.

I see a scientist coming over to examine it further, curiosity written all over his face. But I'm angry with them, remembering my past, I think I was fighting them. I make a decision that I might regret, strangling the man. My new arm has more strength, he looks in a lot of pain.

I don't get far before someone with a needle comes to sedate me, again. Some other memories come back to me while I'm sleeping. My name is Y/N. My brother is Steve, and my fiancé is Bucky.

When I wake up next I'm in the fucking chair. I try to move but realize both of my arms are already strapped in. I'm also still half naked, which is just wonderful. My metal arm has scar marks where it meets my shoulder, did they weld it to me? The doctor smiles
at me and walks to the machine.

He presses the button and the device slowly comes down, covering my face. I prepare for the pain to come and shut my eyes, determined to keep at least one memory. The machine powers up and starts. I try to hold on to the memory of Bucky proposing to me, but my efforts are fruitless. As my screams echo off of the walls, the memory slowly fades from my mind.

I'm sitting in this chair, no memory of my life and a metal arm. Fucking hell.

"Hello, Soldier. This is Hydra. You will train to be our weapon. We saved you from death, you should be grateful. You will follow orders. If not, you will be punished. Your training starts tomorrow, good luck." A creepy man says to me. I start to protest when two guards drag me from the chair and lead me to a cell, they throw me in.

On the ground there are a few books, they look to have different languages written on them. There's a note on top that says: learn these by tomorrow, or there will be punishment. I don't think I have a choice, I don't want to go back into that chair. I pick up the first book and see that it's Russian. I start to read through it, this is gonna be a long night.

By the time morning comes I've only gotten a few hours of sleep. I've read all of the books and learned the languages. So far it's Russian, German, Spanish, and Mandarin. Mandarin took the longest to learn, but I hope they don't punish me. I think I'm enhanced somehow, no one normal could learn all of those languages. Maybe that's why I'm here.

I'm awoken by a guard splashing cold water on me. Thanks asshole. He stands over me. "Have you done what has been asked?" He questions in Russian.

I respond with my Russian, "Yes." He nods and throws some clothes at me. He leaves the room to at least give me some privacy. I find a sports bra, new underwear and pants. Looks like I'll be working today.

The Winter Soldier (Female)Where stories live. Discover now