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3rd Person

"Sir? We found a woman missing an arm in the valley." A soldier reports to his commander. "Do we hand her over to Hydra?" He questions, needing direction.

"Why? Is she important?" The commander asks. They haven't seen a woman in quite awhile, this could brighten the mood for the entire base.

"Well, sir, I believe she's Miss America. Hydra told us if we ever found one of the enhanced that they would double what we usually get for prisoners," the soldier responds, giving the commander all the information.

The commander takes a moment to think. Double the money and the weapons. He can't pass that up.

"Yes. Give her to Hydra. I don't know what they want, but we need the supplies."

"Right away sir."

She's still unconscious, arm bleeding. They contact Hydra and make a deal. They'll get triple for the woman laying there on the ground.

I wake up in a cell, dark and dirty. I have a huge headache, I guess that's what happens when you fall off of a moving train.

But there's another pain I'm experiencing. I try to lift my left arm and... it's not there. Oh, yeah. Hah, forgot about that part.

My right arm is chained to the ground, they don't want me to escape, duh.

I look over at my stump and realize they bandaged it. As well, my right arm is painful, where an IV would go. These people... they kept me alive.

Although I don't believe in god, I start praying. There is nothing good to come from being saved by the enemy, especially considering my  enhancement and ties with the allies.

I get my answer when three soldiers open my cell and drag me out, giving me no time to resist. "Hey! Get off of me you assholes!" I know this won't work but I can at least be an inconvenience.

So I kick, squirm, and scream as they drag me, trying my best to fight them.

I'm too busy being annoying, I don't pay attention to the room I'm being taken to.

When we get to our destination the soldiers are so annoyed with me they bodyslam me onto the hard metal table. It knocks the wind out of me, giving them just enough time to strap me down.

One of them gets in my face to taunt me and I do what anyone would, I spit in his. "Fuck You!" He wipes it off and slaps me, hard.

"Now, now, children, play nice. We wouldn't want to hurt the pretty little lady, now would we?" A very familiar voice asks. For Christ's sake, not Schmidt.

The man I don't want to see comes waltzing in the room, along with some very interesting tools. "Now, Miss America, we've been very kind to you, considering you cost us our best scientist. We saved your life! The least you could do is tell us what the army is planning next." Schmidt asks as he circles the table, running his hand along my body.

I fake a look of co-operation. "If I tell you, will you let me go?" I know they'll never let me leave, but I can play a bit before the fun starts.

He seems to believe my act, smirking. "We can negotiate terms."

"Alright. Well... they're planning to fuck you in the ass," Shmidt laughs and shakes his disgusting red face.

"I really wish you'd be a bit nicer."

He takes a scalpel and drags it along my leg. I cry out, trying not to full on scream. I need to show resistance. But I do pull ferociously on my restraints. Unfortunately I'm still weak, from blood loss would be my guess.

"Ah, that's good. You know, a scalpel is my tool of choice. Makes a nice cut that we can stitch up and use again. Now, I'll ask you again. What are they planning?" He questions more forcefully this time. I decide that silence is my best route, so I say nothing, keeping eye contact with him the entire time.

"So this is how you're going to play the game? Fine by me." He smiles as he grabs another tool from the table.

He heats it in a furnace they have nearby, making sure it's red hot. Oh no.

He brings it over and presses it down onto my good arm. I scream, pulling on the restraints, desperately trying to get away from it.

God help me.

He's done horrible, horrible things. His evil knows no bounds. The methods he uses are in humane, something no one should ever have to experience. The things he does and makes his men do are some of the worst things no man or woman should ever have to experience. Being violated in the most terrible way.

Cuts, lashes, whips, beatings, burnings, water boarding, and even drugs. It's all an endless cycle of pain. I'm dragged away and forced to go through more pain. I heal so fast they can do it all over again.

I've tried so hard to stay strong. So, so hard. I don't want to do it anymore. I'm tired, I'm hurting, and I want to give up.

But I can't. I know Steve and Bucky wouldn't give up. Maybe they can still find me.

It's the only hope I've got.

I think something happened to Schmidt... they haven't collected me for a number of days, I've actually been left alone. But that might be worse for my sanity.

What could they be cooking up now?

With my mind spinning in fractured circles, I stuff myself further into the corner of my disgusting cell. My head sits on my thighs as I tremble. For the love of all that's mighty, let me die.

3rd Person

"Schmidt is dead! Who do we contact?"

""Dr. Zola is in the doomsday protocol. But he is in American jail, how are we supposed to speak to him?"

"Send a spy. He will advise us on our next course of action."

"And what about the girl?"

"Keep her alive. Dr. Zola mentioned something about a "Winter Soldier." Program.

I'm sure she will come in handy."

The Winter Soldier (Female)Where stories live. Discover now