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I sit in the bathroom with tears dripping down my face. Bucky's going to war. He's gone to training and I've been left to sulk. I've tried countless times to get into the army, but of course, I'm not permitted to go to war. I'm female. The horror of a woman fighting for her country, let alone having more than basic rights..

Every army station has offered me a nurse position, but I can't do that. People are laying down their lives and I have no right to do any less than that.

Bucky is supposed to come back tonight and we are going go to the fair to go dancing, the last adventure before Bucky is shipped off to fight on the front lines.

I clean myself up, putting on a small amount of makeup to hide the tears. I won't let him see me like this, I will be strong for him.

Unfortunately, Steve has also been trying to enlist in the army. Because of his health conditions and size, all of his attempts have been declined, like mine. Steve decided to take a day off and go to the theatre, letting Bucky and I have the afternoon together before we all go to the fair.

"Love!" I hear the familiar voice shout from the bus. I see Bucky walking towards me in an official-looking army get-up.

"Hey, Soldier, I missed you," I say while smiling. He gives me a kiss.

"Where's Steve?" Bucky asks after we break apart, confused about why his friend isn't here.

"He's at the theatre, we have the afternoon to ourselves!"

While we are walking along, I hear a familiar grunt. I run towards the sound and see my poor brother with a busted lip. "I can do this all day!" Steve says defiantly to the much bigger man. He punches my brother and Steve falls into a pile of newspaper. That's it.

I walk up behind the man and tap him on the shoulder. "Pick on someone your own size!"

"When you find someone, let me know!" He replies and turns back around to beat on my brother.

I'll show him. I tap him again, but this time I punch him. He staggers towards Bucky and starts to retreat. Before he completely leaves, Bucky kicks him in the ass. I run to the aid of my brother and help him up. "Are you alright?" I question, worry lacing my voice.

"I had him on the ropes." He answers tiredly.

"Sure you did, pal," Bucky says, humouring him.

"So, it's official now, huh? You're in the army?" Steve asks, making light conversation on our way to the expo.

"Yep. Sergeant James Barnes, 107th infantry." He says proudly. I smile but grimace on the inside. Bucky will be on the front lines, an even greater chance at being killed.

We arrive at the expo a little while later and wait for the show to start. Bucky's interested in the show, but Steve seems distant. I look behind us and can instantly tell why. An army enlistment station is right behind us.

I try to ignore it and become interested in the show. Howard Stark is testing his new flying car, which works for a few seconds, but ultimately fails.

The Winter Soldier (Female)Where stories live. Discover now