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"Y/n, can you hear me?" I hear a faint voice say. I try to slowly open my eyes, the light blinding me. I go to move my hand up to shield the light but I'm stopped by a restraint. My heart rate speeds up as I start to freak out. What if I'm back at Hydra? I start to struggle within the restraints until the voice speaks again. "It's alright, Y/n, I'm here." The familiar voice reassures me.

I open my eyes again once I've given them time to readjust. I'm looking up at a white ceiling. "You're in Wakanda, you're safe." I look around and see I'm in a bed, my arms restrained with soft cuffs.

"Why-" I start coughing, my voice gravely from disuse. I swallow and continue, "Why am I restrained?" I ask, slightly annoyed now.

"We need to make sure it worked. If the soldier comes out we don't want you hurting anyone, including yourself." Another voice answers, this time it's Shuri.

"Alright, but can we please wrap this up quickly? These cuffs are really uncomfortable." I hear a small chuckle and then it's serious time.

"I'm going to have someone say the words, if you don't react then we've fixed the problem, simple as that."

"Are you ready?" I'm asked after a few seconds

"Yes." I respond immediately, I really want to see Bucky. Next I hear an unfamiliar voice say the all too familiar words.

"(Longing) желание ( Rusted:) ржaвый    (Seventeen:) Семнадцать  (Daybreak:) Рассвет  (Furnace:) Печь  (Nine:) Девять (Benign:) добросердечный  (Homecoming:) возвращение на родину    (One:) Один (Freight car:) грузовой вагон" he finishes and I prepare, but I feel... nothing.

I don't feel any pain, no urge to kill or follow orders, no switch to Soldier. "Soldat?" The speaker spits out. I have free will, control of my mind! Finally.

"Screw you!" I say, mostly to Hydra, I'm finally out of their control. I feel the cuffs around my arms retract and use my left hand to scratch my face. ... except it's not there. I sit up and look over to see a stump where my metal arm used to be.

The door I hadn't even noticed opens to reveal a very relieved looking Bucky and a medical team. Bucky comes over first as I stand up and all but leap onto him, engulfing him with my one arm.

He hugs back immediately, giving me a peck on the lips, then backing up to let the team do their jobs. I'm already hooked up to a bunch of machines, so they just check my normal functions to make sure I'm not dying.

Shuri comes over and I point my head at my now nonexistent arm. "We found a tracking device embedded into your arm, there was no way to remove it without taking the arm off so we did that, we can make you a new one if you want it for daily tasks." She responds professionally. I think about it for a moment, it's a reminder of Hydra. I think I can make it with no arm.

"No, I'll keep my stump,I've never had enough time to really process not having an arm, thank you though. For everything." I say sincerely, giving her a side hug. She smiles but opens her mouth to speak once again.

"We are not done yet. I'd like you stay for the duration of your pregnancy, to have a smooth delivery. Once that's happened we have a farm for you and your fiancé to stay at, to stay away from the authorities hunting you."

The Winter Soldier (Female)Where stories live. Discover now