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I awake from my chamber and am immediately dragged by the guards into the chair, barely getting time to collect myself before the process starts. The words are spoken and I'm alert and ready for action. "Good morning soldier," Alexander says to me.

"Ready to comply," I respond immediately.

"I have a mission. Our team is putting together an operation. Our target is Nick Fury. If he gets away from our operatives, I'm counting on you to kill him. We're shaping the century, our plan to cleanse the world is almost ready, but we need to take him out first." I nod and am escorted to the supply room.

I grab my mask and goggles, I'll be out in public, my identity has to stay hidden. I grab my gun and a disk grenade because he might be in a car. I give the all clear to the agents and I'm escorted into a car.

They all try to sit as far as possible from me in here, funny. They drop me off with a com device a few metres from where the operation takes place. I'm supposed to wait here, if he starts to get away that's when I act.

From the commotion going on through the coms, I can tell it's not going well, idiots. One of them managed to place a tracker on the car and I see it speeding down a street, so I run to where I can meet it.

I hear shots coming from down the street, those idiots are losing him. I can faintly see the commotion, and it looks like the car is heading straight down this road.

I step out into the middle of traffic, in front of the bullet filled car. I can tell he spots me because he slows down slightly. I walk forward a bit before lifting my gun and firing a disc grenade. I watch with satisfaction as the back end blows up and the car is vaulted forward. I step out of the way of the burning car just in time as it slides past me.

The car slides for a while and then stops a few feet away from me. I walk menacingly towards it to ensure none of the people gathered around try to stop me. I see a faint blue light coming from inside the smashed vehicle and quicken my pace. When I reach the car I use my metal arm to pull off the door. I look inside and see that the man has escaped through a tunnel he made. Shit. Boss won't be happy.

I call back to base on a burner cell and inquire where I should go, I tried the tunnel but it was a dead end. They told me to check an apartment belonging to two men named Steve Rogers and James Barnes. If Nick Fury thinks he's being hunted he'd go there.

I stake out on a building across from the apartment, I have a nice view through the window. The lights are off and I can't see anything, until a blond haired man walks in and turns on the lamp. My target sits in a chair in the corner but I don't have a good shot yet. Another man also enters the room, he has brown hair and wears a ring around his neck.

Pierce also told me to listen in, as he has bugs in the apartment, see if he says anything useful. They start talking, having a conversation about nothing of use. Finally, my target stands up and walks in direct view of the window, a gift. I let him finish his sentence before firing four rounds directly into his chest. He collapses and the other men drag him around the corner.

I stand up but continue to listen to see if either of them will come after me, I know they're coming when I hear through the coms "Tell them we're in pursuit." I start to run along the rooftop of the building, but I hear a crashing noise below me. I look down through the bars and see the blond man running at incredible speeds. He must be enhanced. The brunette follows a few paces behind, both must be enhanced in some way.

The Winter Soldier (Female)Where stories live. Discover now