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Thank you all for 2k reads! I'm so sorry I haven't been as active on this story, had writers block trying to figure out what to do next, but here I am! I hope you all enjoy!

When I left I had no where to go, I just knew I needed to get out. My travels took me back to Vienna, to the safe house that was destroyed when the government was looking for me.

From there, I decided I needed to distract myself. So, I dug up records, old records. Conducted surveillance and spied on anyone suspicious.

Through my searches, I found out there are still Hydra bases stationed in all different parts of the world. They still operate. They get to keep going but I lose my entire life? That's not gonna fly.

I steal guns and knives from different places and smuggle them into planes. Carefully taking out each base I find, turning the research and experiments that were being conducted there in to the local police.

That's what I've been doing for the last five years. Today is no different. I've located one of the bases I was held in. I load my gun and kit out my knives. My bag stays in the bushes, my outfit full black.

They only have two guards outside of the building, should be easy enough to take them out. I make my way quietly toward the first one, sneaking up behind him, muffling his mouth, and the stabbing him, making sure it's quiet. The next one is simple enough, I just throw my knife, hitting him in the chest.

I make my way inside, taking out everyone in my sight. I don't usually use a gun, it's easier to take them out silently.

I make my way to the last room of the compound, preparing my knives before stepping in. I see three men standing there, the middle man has huge muscles. Nothing I haven't dealt with before.

"Hello winter soldier. Thought we forgot about you? Think again!" He says as if he's won. He pulls out a very familiar book.

What he doesn't know is that this doesn't work anymore. I decide to play along anyway, It'll be easier to take them out if they think they can control me. "No! Please!" I say, feigning fear. He smirks and starts reading the familiar words.

I begin "reacting" to them. Screaming in agony and pretending to try and resist. After he's finished he looks at me, proud of himself. "Soldat?"

I stand up straight, face stoic. "Ready to comply." He looks excited and walks over to me, over confidently thinking he's won. He gets all up in my face and begins to give me an order, but I punch him so hard he flips around. I then grab his neck and snap it.

"Sorry boys, that doesn't work anymore." The other two come at me, it's no use though. They are both low level agents with barely any training. Before leaving I grab the book, throwing it on the ground and burning it. Then I exit the room, blowing a hair out of my face.

I walk to the data storage room, extracting it all and sending it to the police data servers. Once I pull out the USB I sense someone behind me. I grab my gun and swivel around to come face to face with my brother.

I put it down, scoffing. "What are you doing here Steve?" I shake my head and walk past him, intending to exit.

"Y/n I need to talk to you." He says while following me.

The Winter Soldier (Female)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt