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3rd person

Bucky and Steve sit In an abandoned and broken down bar. They drink scotch together, mourning the loss of their closest friend and Bucky's fiancé. A team has searched the mountain where she dropped and found no body. The only thing they found with a metal detector was her left arm and the ring Bucky had given her to ask for her hand in marriage. He now wears the ring on a chain.

Peggy walked through the rubble to see the two broken men at their worst time. "Did you know I can't get drunk? The serum not only effects my muscles but my cells." Steve says to the woman he thinks he loves.

"Your metabolism is 4x the regular man. He thought he might have been a possibility." She says back honestly, referring to Erskine. Another tear rolls down the mans face.

"Whatever the sick doctor did to me prevents me from getting drunk as well. I can't believe he's being treated like a king." Bucky says openly, thinking about the life that was lost on the train.

"It's not your fault, you know." Peggy says to the men.

"Did you read the report?" Bucky retorts, taking another drink. Peggy nods.

"Then you know that's not true," he replies, shaking his head.

"She wouldn't have wanted you to be like this, you know that." The woman says in an attempt to console them.

"We're not gonna stop. Not until all of hydra has either been killed or captured," Bucky says fiercely. Sworn to avenge his lost love.

"Well you better get going then."

Together the men run towards the plane, but it's too fast. Even being enhanced can't help them outrun a plane. They hear a car pull up beside them and hop in. This is their chance for revenge. The general and Peggy happen to be in the car, it was one of Schmidt's own. The general presses a button and suddenly the men  are beside the plane. Steve kisses his dream girl for this first time. If only he could survive to dance with her.

"Peggy! I gotta put her in the water." Steve radios sadly to his lover.

"Please Steve, don't do this. I'll get Howard on the line, he'll know what to do!" Peggy replies desperately. She has lost one friend already, she can't face losing two more.

"Peggy, there's no time. This is our choice. If you ever find Y/N, tell her I love her." Bucky says as he sits in the co captain seat, prepared to dive into the ice.

"I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance." Steve says as he starts descending, getting closer to imminent death with each second.

"Alright, but next Saturday, 8 o'clock on the dot, don't you dare be late." Peggy says back as tears roll down her cheeks.

"I still don't know how to dance." Steve says as the ice gets closer.

"I'll teach you, just be there."

"Peggy I-" the radio cuts off into a dull buzz.

"Steve? James?" She says full on crying now. Everyone has left her alone now, to grieve in peace. Her best friend and lover are now dead. She's alone.

The Winter Soldier (Female)Where stories live. Discover now