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Over the last two years the three of us have flourished as friends. And even though I really don't want to admit it, I've developed a crush on a certain somebody.

Today we make the decision to hang out at our favourite park. A decision I regret as I stare at the back of Bucky, he flirts with two giggling girls. They're both trying way too hard, twirling their hair and fluttering their eyelashes. "Hey! Are you even listening to me?" My brother asks as he waves a hand in my face. Oops.

"No," I respond sharply, still focused on Bucky.

"Yeah, I can see why," Steve answers with a smirk. I turn my glare towards him and his face drops. That always works.

Bucky turns around to the sight of me glaring at my brother. "Hey, doll, you two got any plans this afternoon?" Bucky asks innocently, trying to lighten the mood. God that stupid nickname, it always gets me...

I continue thinking about it and Steve answers for us. "No, why?"

"I wanted to know if you two wanted to go on a picnic by the lake?" He drops his voice so only I can hear him. "And I would love to see you in a swimsuit." Try as I might, my face flushes against my will and Bucky smirks.

I smack his arm. "Sure!" My brother answers instantly, oblivious to what just happened.

After going back to our house and changing, we head out to the lake. I decide to wear my favourite swimsuit, it's a navy blue two piece, which of course my mother detests.

While we were home, mom packed some snacks and a blanket for us. And of course, Steve brought his drawing supplies. I set down the blanket and lay out the food, getting everything ready.

We talk and eat for almost an hour and when there's a lull in conversation, Bucky stands.

"Well, I'm going swimming. You coming?" Steve shakes his head and so do I. "Oh come on doll, the water won't bite." Bucky says, trying to convince me to swim with him.

I shake my head once again and reply, "No, I think I'll stay with Steve for awhile, Buck."

"Ok, suit yourself." He says and walks off. That was suspicious. Bucky never gives up that easily when he wants something.

Steve and I sit in silence while I watch him work. He gets cranky if I talk to him while he draws.

I'm enjoying the much needed relaxation until the sun is blocked by a shadow. I feel cold water droplets landing on me and look up only to see Bucky standing there with a smirk.

Oh no.

He picks me up and puts me over his shoulder, carrying me away from the safety of my blanket.  "Bucky, put me down right now!" I yell at him. I can hear him laughing and he can barely get out his next sentence,

"Not gonna happen doll." I look to Steve for help but he's just dying of laughter.

"I'll remember this next time you have an asthma attack, Steve!" His face drops.

I fight back against him, hitting his back and squirming nonstop. I almost wriggle out of his grasp, but he brings me down to his chest and holds me bridal style, making sure I can't escape. I finally see our destination: the lake.

The Winter Soldier (Female)Where stories live. Discover now